Category: News Flash

Upper II Fundraise

8th July 2016

Pupils raise money for Acton Homeless Concern.  Pupils of Upper II yesterday welcomed our guest, Ian Breen, manager of local charity Acton Homeless Concern, the mission of which “is to provide advice and support for those who need shelter and hope”. Mr Breen visited St Augustine’s Priory to discuss the challenges facing the increasing number…

Summer Arts Evening

1st July 2016

Artists, players, poets and musicians showcase students’ talents and ambitions.  St Augustine’s Priory opened its doors and grounds to the Ealing community for our annual Summer Arts Evening on Tuesday 28th June 2016. Hundreds of parents, neighbours and supporters joined us for this explosion of artistic talent, contributing to our biggest Summer Arts Evening yet….

Space Seeds part 2

1st July 2016

STEM: the results of a unique voyage On 6th May we wrote of an exciting Space Seeds project, in which pupils took part in a national initiative called ‘Rocket Science’, a collaborative project between the Royal Horticultural Society and the UK Space Agency. Form III enjoyed planting the seeds back in May and have since…

Professor Heinz Wolff

30th June 2016

An industry titan and titan ‘giver’.  On Friday 20th May, we wrote about our annual Young Scientist of the Year Competition, an opportunity to showcase the stretching and challenging STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) provision here at St Augustine’s Priory. The standard of work produced by pupils was exceptionally high and we enjoyed completing…

Sports Awards 2016

24th June 2016

Pupils’ achievement and a champion’s advice The grounds of St Augustine’s Priory were awash with festivity on the evening of Tuesday 21st June in anticipation of the annual Sports Awards event. Parents arrived to a summer drinks reception on the Chapel terrace and mused over rumours of a very special guest of honour. The celebrations…

TFL Safety & Citizenship Workshop

17th June 2016

Upper II learn how to stay safe when travelling around London On Wednesday, 8th June 2016, Upper II had various members of TFL and Metropolitan Police in to talk to them about ‘How to keep themselves safe when travelling on London transport’. Mrs Farmer, Upper II Form Tutor, here tells about the exciting day. “The very…

EYFS Fathers’ Story Week 2016

17th June 2016

Supporting fathers’ engagement in children’s learning Miss Slight, Lead Practitioner of Pre-Preps, here tells us about a very important initiative run by our EYFS practitioners every year, which is becoming increasingly popular thanks to the efforts of forward-thinking institutions such as the Fatherhood Institute. “We asked the fathers to bring in their favourite story. Some…

Sixth Form student to shadow business leader

10th June 2016

Developing commercial savvy Sixth Form student and Head Girl, Erin Costello, has secured an exclusive opportunity to shadow local entrepreneur, leading businesswoman and St Augustine’s Priory parent, Charmaine Rothschild. Miss Costello will commence the experience at the Ealing-based commercial phone business, Ltd, on Monday 13th June 2016. In addition to shadowing Mrs Rothschild, learning…

The Hippo’s Den

27th May 2016

Insight into Industry Day As part of Insight to Industry Day on Wednesday 25th May, girls in Upper IV took part in a Dragon’s Den style pitch process designed to test and showcase their entrepreneurial talents. The brief, conceived by Mrs Macallister and Mrs Murphy, required pupils to develop a smoothie or soft drink that…

Young Scientist of the Year

20th May 2016

The Avalanche of Doom! Etc. Our annual Young Scientist of the Year Competition is a brilliant showcase of the stretching and challenging STEM provision at St Augustine’s Priory. This the third such competition ran from January until April and, as we have come to expect, the standard of work produced by the pupils is incredibly…