Category: Nursery

Christmas at St Augustine’s

9th December 2020

The After Dark Trail. We are so used every year to the Preps entertaining us with their Nativity plays.  However, this year Preps I, II and III were in for a treat as, on Monday 7th December, the Juniors entertained the Preps with the story of the Nativity.  But this was no ordinary Nativity.  It…

The Christ who accompanies

8th December 2020

A poem for Christmas. Trees and lights adorn St Augustine’s Priory as we journey through Advent.  From trees in the grounds to wreaths in Reception, the school is getting ready to celebrate the Christmas season.         But amidst all the decorations and the joy, the following poem by Malcolm Guite from ‘Sounding the…

Nursery Nativity

4th December 2020

A wonderful start to Advent. The annual delight that is the Nursery Nativity kick-started our season of Nativities on Wednesday. Mary, Joseph, Angels, Kings, Shepherds and an Inn-keeper were to the fore in this celebration. Although parents were not able to be present, they were able to view proceedings virtually!  Everyone enjoyed themselves and the…

An ideal present

27th November 2020

‘Portraits for NHS Heroes’. Are you one of those organised people who have written their Christmas cards by 1st October and did your present buying last January?  If so, look away now.  This Christmas present suggestion is for those of you who haven’t bought their cards yet and are still wondering what presents their loved…

Advent 2020

27th November 2020

A season of preparation. This Sunday, 29th November, is the First Sunday of Advent, the season of preparation for the birth of Christ.  Mrs McDermott, Head of R.E. has some tips to celebrate these weeks leading up to Christmas… ‘The shops are full of Christmas decorations, the M&S Christmas party food looks tempting, Christmas songs…

Red Wednesday 2020

27th November 2020

A day to remember. Aid to the Church in Need is a Pontifical Foundation of the Catholic Church, supporting the church wherever they are needed and each November their initiative, Red Wednesday – held on a Wednesday in late November, raises awareness of those persecuted for their faith around the world. Their website says, ‘Over…

Cultural Dress Up Day

20th November 2020

A day of nations. Friday 20th November saw our Cultural Dress Up Day, a day when pupils (and staff) were invited to wear traditional clothes of the culture they identified with, or to wear clothes in the colours of that country’s flag. The variety of costumes on show was a thing of beauty, with Wales,…

Library News

20th November 2020

Reading, reading, reading! A library may conjure up images of rows and rows of bookshelves where people go to have a quiet time and nothing ever changes.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Here Mrs Bhatti, our School Librarian, reports on the latest news from our Scriptorium where developments are always happening.  ‘Operation Overdrive…

Odd Socks Day!

20th November 2020

United Against Bullying. The whole school joined in Anti-Bullying Week’s Odd Socks Day on Monday 16th November.  From the Nursery upwards into the Seniors a spectacular array of odd socks was on display.  Even Upper I, at home during this time, joined in via their computers with a gangantuan display of colourful footwear! Staff were…

Nursery celebrate Diwali

17th November 2020

Festival of Lights. In the Nursery they have been celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights and one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs.  It is a five day festival and during this time, among other celebrations, homes are illuminated and fireworks set off! Mrs Nikolova reports, ‘We have had a wonderful…