Category: Nursery

Our Lenten work

28th February 2020

The Catholic Children’s Society. At Senior Assembly on Monday this week we were visited by Ms K Waring from the Catholic Children’s Society, the organisation we will be supporting throughout Lent via the collection boxes which have been distributed one to each class.  The CCS supports disadvantaged children and families across London, Hertfordshire and the…


28th February 2020

A useful guide. Ms Burrell and Mrs Pugh, Science Department, have provided a handy guide to a very current issue, the coronavirus, aka COVID-19.  As they say, ‘we have produced this so that girls are able to interpret the headlines on the virus correctly and properly look after themselves’. We hope that you find it…

Book Week 2020

27th February 2020

The Wonder of Words. St Augustine’s Priory has a long link with authors starting with George Sand (real name Aurore Dupin), the nineteenth century French novelist who attended the school when it was in Paris.  Fast forward to the twenty-first century and award-winning poet Mona Arshi is an Augustinian parent and award-winning poet Neil Elder…

Wellness Week 2020

14th February 2020

Whole School Involvement From the Nursery right through to Upper VI, all at St Augustine’s Priory were involved in Wellness Week 2020.  A host of activities took place, starting on Monday 10th February when Priory 6 students visited the Nursery to talk about how to look after ourselves and each other. Ms Hagerty led a…

Wellness Week 2020

7th February 2020

A celebration of life. Next week sees the St Augustine’s Priory Wellness Week which this year has as its theme Women’s Rights:  Taking Action, focussing on the wholeness of the human being. Many events are planned.  Among them there will be a session on ‘Women and the Word’ for Priory 6 which will take as…

Meeting Members of Staff

7th February 2020

Ms N Chandler. This term we have been delighted to welcome Ms N Chandler, who joined us as PA to the Bursar plus having responsibility for HR compliance.  Ms Chandler is a past pupil of St Augustine’s Priory and has fond memories of her time here.  After working in retail for eleven years and several…

God loves teachers

31st January 2020

Additional events. We thought you would be fascinated by this piece which was quoted in the St Ignatius School, Toowong, Newsletter in October 2005 and which we would like to share with you: ‘God loves Teachers On the sixth day God created men and women. On the seventh day, God rested – not so much…

Celebrating Chinese New Year

24th January 2020

The Nursery and the Year of the Rat Tomorrow sees the beginning of the Year of the Rat, the Chinese New Year.  The Nursery enjoyed their celebrations by making a dragon and participated in a dragon dance with cymbals in the Playground.  A Chinese restaurant had pride of place in their home corner and they…

Meeting the new decade

10th January 2020

The speaking image. This series of images encapsulates the values that we hold at St Augustine’s Priory.  From Nursery through to Upper VI we rejoice in intellectual curiosity in a school which holds academic excellence at its core.   There is a love of learning and an overflowing creativity which encourages a freedom of spirit amongst…