Category: Nursery

Priory Farm and Meadow Open Morning

17th June 2022

Meeting the animals. The Priory Farm and the Meadow threw open their gates on Sunday 12th June to welcome visitors.  Our ‘Augustronomique’ horsebox opened up and provided refreshments on a warm June morning.  Mr Raffray, the Priory Farm Managers and the parents who volunteer on the allotment and Priory Farm were on hand to guide…

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee BBQ Picnic

15th June 2022

A lunch in the grounds. After all the events of the Platinum Jubilee Weekend, St Augustine’s Priory was ready to celebrate as well.  The Nursery had marked the Jubilee with a tea before Half Term, but the rest of the school were waiting for a BBQ picnic on Friday 10th June.     Armed with a…

Nursery Sports Day

15th June 2022

A galaxy of events to enjoy. The Nursery Sports Day was held on Friday 10th June and was a time of balancing, jumping, running and throwing as the Nursery children demonstrated their sporting prowess.  Prep I was there to show support to the Nursery and they were joined by the Nursery parents who cheered everyone…

‘Strictly Heads’

10th June 2022

The London Heads’ Dance Society. Oh, yes, on Sunday 26th June this is your chance to see a selection of Headteachers of London schools dance the night away in ‘Strictly Heads’.  Training has been tough and the sewing of sequins equally difficult.  But triumph is in sight!  If you would like to see Headteachers dance…

Priory Farm visitors

8th June 2022

Enjoying our Meadow and Farm. On a sunny Friday 27th May we welcomed two year groups from the St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School in Hammersmith.  This was the second visit to the Priory Farm in a matter of days as pupils from the Ellen Wilkinson School had visited the farm on 20th May.  The Priory…

The Nursery and a special afternoon tea

31st May 2022

Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee. The Nursery was well ahead of the curve on Friday 27th May, when they held their very own celebration for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  There was a tea table laid with a variety of delicious fruit on offer, including strawberries, and a proper cream tea with scones and cream and jam….

The Feast of the Ascension

26th May 2022

Whole School Mass. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the beginning of Half Term – a whole school Mass in the Meadow to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, which commemorates the Ascension of Christ into heaven. Prep I to Priory Sixth gathered this morning to hear Fr Thomas celebrate Mass, joined by Governors…

Prep I Ballet Display

19th May 2022

  Dancing festival. Prep I delighted an audience of families and the Nursery when they danced the afternoon away on Wednesday 18th May.  Dressed in a variety of splendid costumes, they demonstrated their expertise on the dance floor to a variety of musical pieces.  The audience were treated to both solo and ensemble work and…

The Preps travel to South Africa

12th May 2022

Learning about animals and their environment. The Preps travelled to South Africa on Friday 6th May as Preps I, II and III took part in a live zoom call with a Wildlife Biologist & Conservationist and a Protected Area Manager & Conservationist from South Africa.  Miss Algar had arranged this exciting session and said that…

A visit to Priory Farm

12th May 2022

Nile Lodge Playgroup visits St Augustine’s Priory. There was great excitement on the morning of Wednesday 11th May, as the Nursery pupils from Nile Lodge Playgroup came to visit the Priory Farm!  The Sisters, parents and children all came and met the chickens, ducks and, of course, our new lambs.  Our Farm Managers were on…