Category: Nursery

Association Day: Saturday 6th July

29th June 2019

A day full of magic. Saturday 6th July.  A wonderful afternoon to round off the Summer Term in the grounds of St Augustine’s Priory.  So much will be going on, so much to see, so much to do. A day to celebrate in the sunshine, to visit the Priory Farm, to enjoy the refreshments, to…

Taking care with energy

29th June 2019

  No Paper and No Electricity. Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th June saw St Augustine’s Priory embark on No Electricity and No Paper Days. On No Electricity Day lights were turned off in corridors, offices, classrooms, the Hall and the Chapel.  Everyone thought carefully about the use of computers, printers and photocopies. The No Electricity…

Calling all Parents!

21st June 2019

  Association Day excitement. The St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee has a timely reminder for us all! ‘As you know we are fast approaching Association Day which is on Saturday 6th July 2019. We are all looking forward immensely to this event and to seeing you all and hope you and your children will enjoy…

The Parents’ Committee

3rd June 2019

Invaluable and Inspirational. Many of you will have enjoyed the events organised by our Parents’ Committee.  This inspirational group of Augustinian parents know how to locate Fr Christmas, find a supply of brilliant burgers, staff events with a smile (or ten!) and contribute immeasurably and with great dedication to the life of St Augustine’s Priory….

RISE Theatre at Ealing Abbey

3rd June 2019

Rise Theatre at Ealing Abbey What makes us happy? Friday 14th June sees RISE Theatre visiting Ealing Abbey.  At 8.00pm this professional Christian theatre company will perform an evening of sketches on the theme of happiness.  What makes us happy? Who makes us happy? Where can we find happiness? Their website says, ‘RISE Theatre CIC is a…

Prayer from Pope Francis

3rd June 2019

For young people   We thought you would be interested in the following prayer which was written by Pope Francis on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment following the Synod of bishops held in October 2018 on that topic. Lord Jesus in journeying towards the Synod, your Church turns her attention to all the young…

The Priory Farm welcomes visitors

17th May 2019

St Gregory’s Reception class. Our pupils are privileged to be able to visit the Priory Farm whenever they wish and Form Teachers always ensure that their classes make the most of the opportunities afforded to them for well-being and also the linking of visits to the curriculum. But not everyone can visit the farm as…

New School Officials

17th May 2019

Priory 6 leaders. On Monday 13th May, the whole school gathered in the Sports Hall to hear the announcement of our new School Officials. All applicants had previously given a speech to the Seniors and Upper II on how they would contribute to the school should they be awarded the role of either Head Girl,…

A Life Outside…

2nd May 2019

  Ms Aspinall and the BBC Proms! Ms Aspinall, our harp teacher, has been teaching at St Augustine’s Priory for over ten years.  But teaching is not her only occupation.  Many people will not know that Ms Aspinall is also a member of an orchestra which will be playing in the BBC Proms this summer.  She…

Meeting Members of Staff…

2nd May 2019

Miss H Beaman. This term we are pleased to welcome Miss H Beaman who joins St Augustine’s Priory as Teaching Assistant for Prep I.  Miss Beaman writes: ‘I have joined St Augustine’s Priory as an Early Years Educator in Prep I and I am also supervising the Breakfast Club each morning. I have a creative background…