Category: Nursery

Climbing to Success

26th April 2019

A Prep Playground Extraordinaire. The Easter holidays saw an amazing transformation of our Prep Playground.  Some wonderful additions had appeared by the first day of the Summer Term and everyone was very excited to experiment and explore.       With a Greek amphitheatre, a climbing wall, a waterplay area, a mud kitchen, a sensory garden…

Meeting Members of Staff…

23rd April 2019

Mrs M George. We are delighted to welcome Mrs George to St Augustine’s Priory for the start of the Summer Term.  She joins us as Deputy Head Pastoral (Seniors) and we are all looking forward to working with her.  Here, Mrs George introduces herself. ‘I am extremely excited about working at St Augustine’s Priory for…

Razzle Dazzle ‘em

5th April 2019

Chicago, Chicago. What an incredible show!  This was an amazing evening’s entertainment from the Seniors of St Augustine’s Priory.  Chicago triumphed at The Questors Theatre and this was (not to sound effusive, of course) the most brilliant production of Chicago!        The energy, the pace, the sheer joie de vivre of the talented actors…

Be Spirited

28th March 2019

A time to reflect. Tuesday 26th March was a time for reflection at St Augustine’s Priory.  Nursery to Upper II enjoyed ‘Be Spirited’, a day when the Chapel and Chapter Room are filled with spiritual exercises for the girls to enjoy.  This year Be Spirited took place during Lent, a fitting time for a day…

British Science Week

22nd March 2019

 A week of wonder. Monday 11th March saw the beginning of British Science Week, a week filled with an abundance of activities, workshops and Science practicals.  A true celebration of Science. Medical Mavericks delivered a workshop to the Seniors which raised awareness of the lesser known careers available in medicine such as biomedical science, medical…

World Book Day Competition

15th March 2019

Who reads what? We received an avalanche of entries for this year’s World Book Day Competition.  ‘Who reads what?’ was the talk of the school.  But a winner (or this in case, winners, emerged), Naomi (Upper V Alpha) and Isabel (Form III Alpha) Jeffries who were triumphant with a score of 24 out of 27…

BBC Young Reporters…

8th March 2019

Journalism in action. Our BBC Young Reporters have written, presented and produced an excellent film, reporting on the Priory Farm.  Discover the origins of the farm, who runs it and meet (and hear!) our animals. You can access the Priory Report:  Farming here: The report tantalisingly begins ‘With spring and Easter bunnies around the…

Augustinians Achieving

7th March 2019

The best experience! Girls leave St Augustine’s Priory prepared for the world of further education and the world of work.  We ensure that they have the tools that enable them to enter a vast array of careers and have all the equipment needed to fulfil their potential and contribute to the wider world. Here we…

Nursery and The Year of the Pig

7th March 2019

A Palace fit for Pigs. This year, 2019, we celebrate the Chinese year of the pig.  We hope that our pigs are enjoying their year; over Half Term a veritable Pig Palace was constructed for them and the pupils in the Nursery certainly enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year in February and made the most of…

Drama training: a skill for life

1st March 2019

  A valuable Drama Inset. Training and learning never stops!  Head of Drama, Ms Brown, attended the annual Drama Teacher Conference last week at the Royal National Theatre and learnt from the best! Ms Brown reports, ‘Theatre director, Katie Mitchell, spoke to a room of Drama Teachers at the National Theatre last week as part…