Category: Nursery

The Christmas Carol Service

13th December 2018

We prepare for the Nativity. The St Augustine’s Priory Carol Service, held every year at Ealing Abbey, is a wonderful way to prepare for the coming of Christ.  The evening of Tuesday 11th December 2018 was no exception. We began the evening with a gathering of Association members in the Parish Centre.  Past pupils, former…

The Christmas Fair

13th December 2018

An annual festival! With stalls, crafts, games, the teddy tombola and refreshments on offer, the annual St Augustine’s Priory Christmas Fair was a festival of fun and entertainment.  Brilliantly organised by the St Augustine’s Parents’ Committee, whose hard work and energy is always behind the Christmas Fair, the school enjoyed a late afternoon of magic…

Our Nursery and Prep Nativities

7th December 2018

Advent celebrations. The beginning of the week saw the first of three magnificent St Augustine’s Priory nativities. Prep I and II joined forces to deliver the first performance called ‘The Wriggly Nativity.’ The children all wriggled through the performance as they were so excited and could not sit still. We enjoyed some brilliant songs including…

The Season of Advent

7th December 2018

The coming of the Lamb of God. As the time of preparation for the coming of Christ, Advent is one of the primary seasons of the liturgical year.  As we wait in hope and joy for Christmas, we share a poem with you by Denise Levertov, entitled ‘Agnus Dei’, the Lamb of God. Given that…

Red Wednesday

30th November 2018

Walking together in faith. On Wednesday 28th November we celebrated a whole school Mass in the temporary hall.  From the Nursery to Upper VI, together with staff and parents, we marked Red Wednesday.  This annual day is an initiative of the organisation Aid to the Church in Need and we are invited to gather together…

Nursery and Prep I go hunting!

16th November 2018

The benefits of outdoor learning. At St Augustine’s Priory we have long known that outdoor learning is beneficial on so many levels!  Our grounds, Priory Farm and Forest School are all witness to our belief that education does not just have to happen in the classroom and the physical, mental and emotional rewards are abundant….

Nursery and Preps commemorate

9th November 2018

Liturgy in the Prayer Garden. At 11.00am on Friday 9th November the school bell rang for us all to remember the centenary of the ending of World War I and all those who had died in that and other wars.  Following the two minutes’ silence a liturgy took place in our Prayer Garden comprising people…

Lost Property

2nd November 2018

Longing to be reunited! Our lost property cupboard is overflowing with uniform that is longing to be reunited with its rightful owners. Do please remember to label your daughters’ uniforms to ensure that they are returned to them as soon as possible. Any unclaimed uniform will be sold at the next Second Hand Uniform Sale….

Priory Pyrotechnics!

2nd November 2018

An evening of the most fabulous fireworks. The Priory Pyrotechnics on display on Friday 19th October was indeed a fabulous way to begin Half Term.  Our Parents’ Committee organised a wonderful evening of entertainment.  From a BBQ to a tombola and from face painting to a live band the evening was filled with entertainment.     …

Fundación Anpuy

16th October 2018

Happy Birthday, Nico! Last academic year we wrote about how Ms de Lahitte, Spanish teacher in the Modern Languages Department, runs an initiative to support Fundación Anpuy, an organisation providing educational and social opportunities for children, adolescents and young people from deprived backgrounds. We are supporting the education of Nicolás Aramayo who attends the school,…