Category: Nursery

App at St Augustine’s Priory

8th June 2018

Accessing our site on the go. Did you know that there is a St Augustine’s Priory App?  We have over 1,100 devices which has the App installed so the probability is that you do.  If you don’t then you should download it for free from the App Store or Google Play Store. The App is…

Are you a Gamechanging Parent?

8th June 2018

Are you helping your child to enjoy the snakes and ladders of outrageous fortune? We all have the potential to be gamechangers.  In this article by Headteacher, Mrs Raffray, first featured recently in ‘Primary Times’, a way in which all parents can be gamechangers in the lives and education of their children is examined.  And…

Miraculum Children’s Choir

7th June 2018

A date for your diary… We are all looking forward to the visit later in June of the world-renowned Miraculum Children’s Choir from the Kodály Music School in Hungary, directed by Laszlo Durányik.  The choir will be visiting us from the evening of Wednesday 20th until the morning of Friday 22nd June. We are privileged…

Priory 6 and Women’s Wellness Week

25th May 2018

Plans for the week of 11th – 15th June. In school assemblies on Friday, 25th May, Priory 6 introduced us to the plans for Women’s Wellness Week, running from 11th – 15th June. This will be a packed week of events and talks at St Augustine’s Priory, encompassing many issues which impact on women’s lives. …

Maths Rules!

24th May 2018

Junior Maths Week. Earlier in May Nursery to Upper II embarked on an enhanced exploration of Mathematics.  Ms Gambrill, Mathematics Coordinator for the Juniors, relates the work that went on throughout the Junior School: ‘During the first half of May the Junior, Prep and Nursery pupils celebrated Maths Week. The main aims of the week…

Nursery and Preps celebrate Pentecost

24th May 2018

Prayer Garden prayers. It is never too early to celebrate and this week our youngest pupils proved this with their marking of the Feast of Pentecost, which took place last Sunday. Our Prayer Garden proved the ideal venue when all our Nursery and Prep I, II and III pupils gathered there to celebrate Pentecost, the…

The Priory Farm welcomes visitors

22nd May 2018

St Gregory’s Nursery pupils meet our farm animals.  The St Augustine’s Priory Farm is going from strength to strength, providing a wonderful learning environment for children of all ages, whether for science lessons, for those who plan to enter a career working with animals or simply for those who enjoy their company! Last Friday, 18th…

Juniors enjoy our new equipment

27th April 2018

Google Chromebooks. Mr Dellow, Head of ICT, has some exciting news to impart… ‘If you take a look around you will probably find you are no more than a metre away from some form of computing device, in fact, you are likely to be using one to read this post. As of this week our…

The Scintillating Space Between Us

27th April 2018

Mr Elder, Poet, English Department. If there is a space in your life then we can help you fill it by recommending Mr Elder’s latest publication of poetry. ‘The Space Between Us’ won the Cinnamon Press Debut Collection and is described as “At times tender and at times laugh-out-loud funny, Elder seamlessly negotiates anything from the terrors…

Running and raising funds

24th April 2018

Mr Alejandro and the London Marathon 2018. The London Marathon, held last weekend, was a challenge for all athletes not only in terms of endurance but also in having to cope with the weather.  The hottest London Marathon on record it is a remarkable feat for those who finished.  Among those, finishing in the splendid…