Category: Nursery

The Bursar’s Lament

20th April 2018

A seasonal poem. At this time of year our grounds are springing to life with buds, blossoms and the grass is definitely growing!  Our Estates Staff care for our grounds and in Spring special care is given to our lawns, emerging from the harshness of winter. You will therefore notice that there are some signs…

St Augustine of Hippo

19th April 2018

Hope for today. Our patron saint, St Augustine of Hippo, the fourth century theologian and philosopher, was the bishop of Hippo in north Africa (and not to be confused with St Augustine of Canterbury).  The following quote can inspire and challenge us to be mindful and work for justice, and peace, in the world today.

Spring has Sprung!

19th April 2018

April blossoms. ‘The flowers appear on the earth. The season of glad songs has come, the cooing of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree is forming its first figs And the blossoming vines give out their fragrance.’ (The Song of Songs, Chapter 2, v 12 – 13a) As our Summer Term…

Holy Week

29th March 2018

Faith Life at St Augustine’s Priory. Our Holy Week at St Augustine’s Priory started with a joyous Palm Sunday procession on Tuesday with children from the Nursery to Preps waving their handmade Palm Leaves and greeting Jesus as he made his way into Jerusalem on a donkey. Starting with a prayer service the children processed…

Meeting Members of Staff

27th March 2018

Mrs A Ross.  We welcome Mrs Ross, who has recently joined St Augustine’s Priory as a member of our administrative team. “I came from a legal background; I studied at Bournemouth University and practiced Family Law in the city. I moved to work with a company that is the largest private provider of schools in…

Crazy Socks Day!

21st March 2018

Supporting the Down’s Syndrome Association. They came in all designs and colours, some patterned, some plain, but crazy and odd socks hit St Augustine’s Priory with a vengeance today, 21st March, to celebrate World Down’s Syndrome Day.  In an initiative by pupils in Lower IV and Upper I the crazy socks craze hit everyone from…

Mass at St Augustine’s Priory

21st March 2018

A weekly privilege. We are fortunate to be able to hold our weekly Mass in our Chapel every week.  Each Form takes it in turns to organise the Mass by choosing the hymns, reading, serving at the altar, playing Music, taking up the Offertory gifts and, of course, composing and reading their own Prayers of…

Priory 6 Photography News

19th March 2018

Student’s work displayed in exhibition. We are delighted to announce that the work of Daniela Cebotari, Priory 6 Photography student, will be featured in an exhibition this week of at the Espacio Gallery (159 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 7DG). Daniela entered ‘The Bigger Picture’ photography competition and her entry was commended by the judges,…

From Nursery to Form III: Be Spirited

16th March 2018

A day to discover prayer. Thursday 15th March saw our annual Be Spirited Day.  From the Nursery to Form III, each class visited the Chapter Room and Chapel for quiet, contemplation and spiritual exercises.     There were a variety of exercises on offer, including the opportunity to make a one decade rosary, a board to…

Spring Open Day

14th March 2018

Welcoming our guests. Opening our doors to the many families who wished to discover some of what St Augustine’s Priory is all about took place on Saturday 10th March with our Spring Open Day.  The snow of the previous week had fortunately cleared and the day was far more like the Spring we would like…