Category: Nursery

A Must See!

16th October 2017

New film of St Augustine’s Priory Now available to see on the St Augustine’s Priory website (and also on YouTube)  – our new film!  Giving a bird’s eye view of the school with its amazing grounds and taking the viewer through the variety of life at St Augustine’s Priory, this new film was premiered at…

Open Morning: 7th October 2017

10th October 2017

St Augustine’s Priory – the best Catholic education for girls in London. ‘Our school is founded on St Augustine’s premise that when we are happy we learn well. I am glad to say that Educational Psychologists have caught up with St Augustine. Our great joy is the girls with whom we work. I hope you…

Art: Changing Lives

9th October 2017

Artists raise funds for Centrepoint One of the highlights of the Summer Term at St Augustine’s Priory is the Arts Evening which showcases our pupils’ work in art, drama, poetry and music.  The work of our GCSE and A Level artists is exhibited and souvenir postcards of the work are produced and sold on the…

Fireworks Fantastical!

6th October 2017

A Date for your Diary! FRIDAY 20th OCTOBER from 6.30pm to 9.00pm PRIORY PYROTECHNICS A reminder that the annual fireworks night Priory Pyrotechnics, organised by the Parents’ Committee, is to be held in the school grounds on Friday 20th October 2017.  There will be stalls, a BBQ, bar, refreshments and a professional fireworks display to music….

Nursery Update

5th October 2017

Exciting Times at School St Augustine’s Priory is an all-through school and, where the journey ends at A Levels, with our girls leaving the school for further adventures at university, the journey has to begin somewhere, and that is where the Nursery comes in, the beginning of the children’s educational journey. Nursery is a time…

Coffee and Cakes

3rd October 2017

Raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support From Lower IV Alpha’s Assembly until the end of Little Break, Lower IV Alpha and Priory 6 delivered a tremendous morning of coffee, cakes and awareness raising on Friday 29th September, raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support through the ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’.  Our first visitors were parents who…

Nursery and Preps: Working Together

3rd October 2017

The Eco Mural Displayed Pope Francis’ encyclical of 2015, “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord” asks us to care for the Earth, our common home.  The Juniors responded to the Pope’s call and put together letters with their responses to his encyclical and sent them to Pope Francis. Now the…

A Shining Success

2nd October 2017

Walking through London A couple of weeks ago we wrote about Mrs Cotton’s (Deputy Head, Seniors) plans to take part in the Shine Walk (London) for Cancer Research on Saturday 23rd September in memory of her friend, Jane Fisher-Hunt.  This annual event takes place at night, a magical time to walk through London with a…

A Fantastic Evening of Fireworks

29th September 2017

A Date for your Diary! The St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee is yet again organising a fantastic evening of fireworks!  This annual event, a highlight of the school’s calendar, is being held on Friday 20th October in the school grounds – the ideal venue for such an event.  As always there will be a BBQ,…

Promoting Education

28th September 2017

Modern Languages Department leads the way We are delighted to announce that the Modern Languages Department’s Latin American handicraft sale on Friday 22nd September to raise money to sponsor a primary school pupil in Latin America was a great success, raising £165, a great step towards the goal of £450 which will cover a primary…