Category: Nursery

The Badano Hall

14th March 2022

The naming of our temporary Hall. Our new temporary Hall now has a name.  Building work is soon to commence at St Augustine’s Priory, adding new spaces to educate and enthuse all who are here.  Therefore, we have taken possession of a temporary Hall, which has been put up on the grounds to house clubs,…

Book Week

11th March 2022

Stop Everything – Read. Last week we celebrated Book Week with a feast of literary lusciousness.  We welcomed authors Sylvia Bishop and Sita Brahmachari who ran workshops for our very receptive students and Book Character Day was a triumph of staff and pupils dressing up as their favourite literary characters.  From the works of Beatrix…

Celebrating International Women’s Day

9th March 2022

‘Girls can do anything’. Mrs Nikolova reports that the Nursery had a wonderful time celebrating International Women’s Day on 8th March. She says, ‘Nursery had a fabulous International Women’s day. We listened to the story ‘Girls can do anything’.  In addition, we also had a scrumptious afternoon tea with the girls.’   The Juniors and…

Headteacher’s Blog: Creating Space

7th March 2022

‘A very warm welcome to the Society of Heads Conference 2022. What a pleasure it is to welcome so many people in person. We also welcome people joining us online. We last met for conference shortly before the first lockdown in March 2020.  Since then we have climbed the mountain of moving schools online, responding…

Wellness Week

4th March 2022

Time to draw breath. After a busy first half of the Lent Term, the week just before Half Term was a welcome respite to create space for mind, body and soul – the theme for St Augustine’s Priory this year and the theme for our Wellness Week. Fittingly, the week began with a time of…

The Nursery celebrate

3rd March 2022

St David’s Day and Shrove Tuesday. Mrs Nikolova reports that the Nursery held a magnificent St David’s Day on 1st March.  The patron saint of Wales was truly commemorated when the pupils had an R.E. circle time, led by Mrs Aragon, about St David’s Day, Shrove Tuesday and Lent.    The children painted daffodils for…

Feast Day 2022

25th February 2022

A day to celebrate. Our Feast Day took place just before Half Term on Wednesday 9th February.  The school gathered for The Wishing at the beginning of the day when speeches from our Head Girl and the House Captains were well received.  During The Wishing, the Catherine Aylward Award winners were announced.  This award commemorates…

Library and Book Week News

21st February 2022

Successful Bookbuzz and Book Week! Thursday 3rd March is the 25th anniversary of World Book Day and has, as its theme, ‘You Are a Reader’.  We are looking forward to celebrating all things literary in that week in our Book Week.  We have already begun our celebrations as  Form lll and Lower lV received their…

Headteacher’s Blog

4th February 2022

We are Creating Space for Truthful Conversations. RADIO We have been involved in the Faith and Belief Forum’s school linking programme since November 2010. We are currently linked with the Jewish Community Secondary School in Chipping Barnet. Previously, we were also linked with Unity Girls School, a Muslim school in Hendon, before they relocated. As…

Wellness Week

4th February 2022

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. As we look forward to celebrating Wellness Week next week, looking at all aspects of wellness, Mrs R Good, our Counsellor and Play Therapist writes about Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. ‘Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week is taking place this year from 7th – 13th February, the eighth annual event…