Category: Prep

Christmas Fair 2016

8th December 2016

Some of the highlights! Our Christmas Fair took place on Friday 2nd December.  As always, it was organised by our Parents’ Committee, and this year it was even better than ever!  From the teddy tombola, the delicious refreshments to suit all tastes, the hoopla stall and our Young Enterprise team selling their wares, to the…

Understanding Catholicism

6th December 2016

The Benedictine Institute ‘Understanding Catholicism’ is a fascinating course run at the Benedictine Institute, Overton House, 74 Castlebar Road, Ealing W5. The course is for adults of any faith or none and has been developed for both non-Catholic and Catholic parents of children and teachers at Catholic schools – and for anyone else interested in…


1st December 2016

Journeying As we journey through Advent to Christmas Day, let us remember all those who journey in the world today, that God may bring them safe to their destination.  

Little Shop of Horrors

1st December 2016

Feed me, Seymour! St Augustine’s Priory will be wowing audiences with their cutting edge version of the classic American musical, Little Shop of Horrors, at Questors Theatre on Thursday 9th, Friday 10th and Saturday 11th March 2017.  The musical will be performed in the Judi Dench Playhouse, the main and highest capacity stage of the…

Might counting our blessings be the path to health and wellbeing?

1st December 2016

I have finally acknowledged that I am no longer a young teacher. Various moments have prompted this epiphany and it was sealed recently as I reflected upon schools’ responses to the new curriculum. I realised that I am one of just a few people in the staff room who remembers teaching A Levels before Curriculum…

The Advent Journey

29th November 2016

Travelling with CAFOD We have now entered the season of Advent, the time to prepare for the coming of Christ. CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, has produced a digital Advent calendar to help ‘you to reflect on issues of global justice with your family or as part of your parish or community as…

Power for Good

25th November 2016

One kind word can change someone’s entire day For Anti-Bullying week this year, held last week, Senior Form Teacher Miss O’Brien organised an activity to help highlight the ways in which we can prevent and respond to bullying.  The week, annually held in November, is a great way to take a stand against bullying, promote positive messages about…

Refugees and Red Wednesday

25th November 2016

Priory 6 and freedom of faith Aid to the Church in Need’s ‘Red Wednesday’ was on 23rd November, a campaign for those who have suffered because of their religion.  At St Augustine’s Priory many Senior students and staff supported this by wearing red throughout the day.  This was an amazing way to raise awareness of…

Music@1: a Musical Staff

24th November 2016

Music Department news Dr Higgins, Director of Music, writes about the Music@1 concert which took place last Friday, 18th November, bringing to light the musical talents of two of our members of staff: ‘Friday 18th November saw our third Music@1 concert take place in the Chapel. This time our performers were Mrs Cotton and Mrs…

Young Enterprise 2016

23rd November 2016

Lower VI and ‘Dexterity’ Equipping girls for life is part of our mission at St Augustine’s Priory and the Priory 6 participation in Young Enterprise certainly does that. The website for the charity states, ‘Young Enterprise is the UK’s leading charity that empowers young people to harness their personal and business skills. We make the…