Category: Prep

Charities Week!

29th January 2016

Our annual week of fundraising Charities Week is a long-standing tradition at St Augustine’s Priory.  Every year the whole school community joins forces to raise funds for the charities chosen by the school Houses.  This year it will take place next week and from Monday 1st to Friday 5th February there will be an assortment…

St Augustine’s Priory Road Safety Week

29th January 2016

Attention to what? The hustle and bustle of modern city living is considered, by many, a thrill. An inexhaustible supply of communication, entertainment, news and attention, keeps our young Augustinians’ eyes and ears on ready alert. But in this mire of competing distractions, how readily do our girls’ senses focus on that which they should?…

Nursery, Prep I and the Year of Mercy

28th January 2016

Our Holy Doors Cathedrals around the world have opened their Holy Doors for the Year of Mercy which began in December last year.  On Tuesday 8th December 2015, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door in St Peter’s Basilica, Rome, inaugurating the Jubilee of Mercy. The ceremony took place after he celebrated Mass for the Solemnity…

A Sixth Former’s Musical Journey

28th January 2016

Learning a musical instrument! Rhiannon Phillips, Upper VI, is an enthusiastic flautist of great ability.  And, as she writes below, taking up a musical instrument is something she would recommend to everybody: ‘I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow you all away with my 24 note chromatic scale in the key of G! Many…

A Stitch in Time: Designing the Long Kneelers

27th January 2016

The stitches multiply From the Nursery to Upper VI during January the whole school was involved in our A Stitch in Time Project. The smaller kneelers have been designed and are in production with the whole school, staff, past pupils and Governors embroidering and spreading the kneelers far and wide – even going as far…

Prep III: Art Critics

11th January 2016

Reporting on the National Gallery During the last half of last term Prep III learnt how to be newshounds in their English lessons.  During their visit to the National Gallery on 3rd December they used these skills to analyse and report on the paintings of the Nativity they saw and studied as part of their…

Christmas Lunch

1st December 2015

Serenading our diners, crackers and delicious food! On Tuesday 1st December pupils at St Augustine’s Priory enjoyed their Christmas lunch.  This may seem a little early, but from now on until the end of term, apart from lessons and the regular activities of a busy school, we will also be enjoying several Nativity plays, the…

Juniors and Preps collect for…

26th November 2015

Operation Christmas Child This year our collection by the Preps and Juniors of gift-filled shoeboxes for children in need around the world, organised by Operation Christmas Child, was a triumph with a total of 137 boxes being donated. One of our parents kindly took the boxes to the depot from where they will travel worldwide…

Prep III go to Amersham!

8th October 2015

Barnaby Bear welcomes Prep III Mrs Lubowiecka, Form Teacher Prep III, tells us about Prep III’s recent adventures in Amersham: ‘On Thursday 1st October Prep III and their teddy bears went on a Geography trip to Amersham Field Centre where they were welcomed by Sarah and Barnaby Bear. They helped Barnaby to pack his rucksack…

Book Week

2nd October 2015

A host of activities celebrating literature The Juniors have had a great week celebrating the wonderful world of literature.  Monday saw the author, Tony Bradman, visiting the school and not only reading from his work to the Juniors, but also conducting some sessions on creative writing and the work of an author (see interview below)….