Category: Priory Post

Celebrating International Women’s Day

9th March 2022

‘Girls can do anything’. Mrs Nikolova reports that the Nursery had a wonderful time celebrating International Women’s Day on 8th March. She says, ‘Nursery had a fabulous International Women’s day. We listened to the story ‘Girls can do anything’.  In addition, we also had a scrumptious afternoon tea with the girls.’   The Juniors and…

Lower V and Upper V view Macbeth

9th March 2022

Quantum Theatre. Last week saw Quantum Theatre visit us with a wonderful production of Macbeth.  Lower V and Upper V gathered in the Hall to see Shakespeare’s tale of unbridled ambition and greed for power unfold. The cast of five undertook all parts and made imaginative use of a set which, although small, managed to…

Catholic Social Teaching in Lower VI

9th March 2022

‘Anyone can make a difference…’ Ms D Corkery, Head of Religious Education, here tells us of the research that Lower VI have been undertaking recently: ‘As part of their studies in Catholic Social Teaching in Core RE, Lower VI students have been researching the topic “Anyone can make a difference: 21st century changemakers.” The students were…

Headteacher’s Blog: Creating Space

7th March 2022

‘A very warm welcome to the Society of Heads Conference 2022. What a pleasure it is to welcome so many people in person. We also welcome people joining us online. We last met for conference shortly before the first lockdown in March 2020.  Since then we have climbed the mountain of moving schools online, responding…

Oracy for Advocacy

4th March 2022

Juniors and Seniors in partnership with other schools. Monday 21st February was a golden opportunity for St Augustine’s Priory.  We had been invited to take part in the Oracy for Advocacy day at Westminster Cathedral, organised by EducareM.  Pupils from both Juniors and Seniors participated in this, part of the Building the Kingdom programme.  The…

Head for the Day

4th March 2022

Form III pupil shines in her new role. Friday 25th February was a momentous day for Shanay in Form III.  She won the opportunity to be Head for the Day in a raffle at Christmas and took full advantage of the responsibilities and duties that come with such a position. Head for the Day and…

Wellness Week

4th March 2022

Time to draw breath. After a busy first half of the Lent Term, the week just before Half Term was a welcome respite to create space for mind, body and soul – the theme for St Augustine’s Priory this year and the theme for our Wellness Week. Fittingly, the week began with a time of…

The Nursery celebrate

3rd March 2022

St David’s Day and Shrove Tuesday. Mrs Nikolova reports that the Nursery held a magnificent St David’s Day on 1st March.  The patron saint of Wales was truly commemorated when the pupils had an R.E. circle time, led by Mrs Aragon, about St David’s Day, Shrove Tuesday and Lent.    The children painted daffodils for…

Lower IV journalist

3rd March 2022

The Flight From Egypt. Giorgia in Lower IV combined a journalistic skill with knowledge of R.E. in a recent assignment.  Here she tells us of the Exodus – the flight of the Israelites from Egypt. However, Giorgia gave a twist to the traditional telling by challenging herself to write it from the Egyptian perspective.  Mrs…

Seniors and the Inclusion Committee

3rd March 2022

Faith and Belief Forum. St Augustine’s Priory has been proud to have been a member of the Faith and Belief Forum for many years.  It was founded in 1997 as the Three Faiths Forum, changing its name to the Faith and Belief Forum in 2018.  They work towards ‘a connected and supportive society where people…