Category: Priory Post

Prep I and Prep II entertain!

10th December 2021

‘The Wriggly Nativity’. Prep I and Prep II entertained us all on Wednesday 8th December with their interpretation of the Christmas story in ‘The Wriggly Nativity’.  As usual, the girls were filled with enthusiasm and the joy of Christmas and enthralled us all.  With Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds (and sheep!) the Wise Men and even…

Christmas Fair 2021

10th December 2021

A prelude to festivity. The St Augustine’s Priory Christmas Fair, organised by our brilliant Parents’ Committee took place on Friday 3rd November.  The grounds were lit up, the stalls were resplendent with goods and goodies and Father Christmas took his place in his grotto.  All that was needed was the pupils to made it a…

Lower V’s day of activity

3rd December 2021

A heady mix. Monday 29th November was a heady day for Lower V as they celebrated Advent with their Retreat, ‘The Child’.  This is an annual event for Lower V and is an opportunity to reflect on the events of the term and to look forward to Advent and Christmas.          …

Upper II visit Lincolnsfield

3rd December 2021

Back into the past. Miss Carroll reports on the historical adventure of Upper II this week when they visited Lincolnsfield Centre: ‘On Wednesday 1st December, Upper II stepped into the past with a visit to the Lincolnsfield Centre in Bushey where they experienced life as an evacuee during World War II. Dressed in their finest…

The Nursery at Christmas

3rd December 2021

An Advent Journey. The Nursery at St Augustine’s Priory has begun to celebrate Christmas with a vengeance.  Pupils have been decorating their classroom with all manner of trees and ornaments and on Wednesday 1st December they performed their Nativity play with their usual energy and enthusiasm.  The cast of Mary, Joseph, shepherds, angels and kings…

Witness to the twentieth century

3rd December 2021

A survivor’s testimony. Seniors were privileged on Thursday 18th November to hear the testimony of Mr Paul Sved B.E.M., holocaust survivor, organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust.  This was an extraordinary afternoon as Mr Sved told us, via Zoom, about his life and experience before, during and after the Second World War.  Mr Sved not…

An Advent Journey

2nd December 2021

Las Posadas. As we begin our journey through Advent, culminating in the celebration of Christmas on 25th December, Mrs McDermott shares with us the Latin tradition of ‘Las Posadas’ which began in Spain and which has been celebrated in Mexico for over 400 years and is also celebrated in Guatemala.  The tradition commemorates Mary and…

Lower VI R.E.

2nd December 2021

Natural Law. Mrs Corkery, Head of R.E. reports on what Lower VI have been studying: ‘In Core RE this term, Lower VI students have been busy discussing a variety of moral dilemmas in order to explore what influences their moral decision making. The girls have explored a variety of ethical theories, such as Natural Law,…

Faith in Action

26th November 2021

COP26 march. With the excellent response from St Augustine’s Priory to the Giant Walk to School in support of COP26, Mrs McDermott here writes about her experience on the COP26 march on Saturday 6th November. ‘On Saturday morning, I joined the CAFOD group at St Mary’s Church, Moorfields for a prayer service before joining the COP26 march through…

Red Wednesday

25th November 2021

  A day to remember. On Wednesday 24th November we commemorated Red Wednesday at St Augustine’s Priory with two Masses, one each for Seniors and Juniors and a Prep and Pre-Prep Red Wednesday liturgy.  Fr Thomas celebrated the Masses for us, which had been prepared beautifully by Lower IIA for the Juniors and Priory VI…