Category: Priory Post

Christmas Fair 2021

25th November 2021

Save the date! We are all looking forward to this year’s St Augustine’s Priory Christmas Fair, organised by our Parents’ Committee.  This year it is taking place on Friday 3rd December and includes stalls, games, crafts and a wonderful selection of refreshments.  There will also be a Neon Disco for the Preps and Juniors and…

Prep I visit the National Gallery

25th November 2021

A day enjoying art. Mrs Van Der Merwe reports on the artistic researches of Prep I, who recently visited one of London’s major galleries: ‘Not only are Prep I delightful artists in their own right, they are also very appreciative of the art of others. On Friday 19th November they set out for the National…

St Cecilia Concert

19th November 2021

  A sublime evening. The St Cecilia Concert yesterday evening saw parents at last return to the Chapel to hear our musicians and singers.  They were not to be disappointed as the evening’s programme was a testament and tribute to the hard work and talents of our pupils and staff. Although bubbles are being kept…

Sporting Prowess

19th November 2021

Cross Country and Netball. Mrs Gosling reports on some sporting news from last weekend in both cross country and netball: ‘In the regional round of the English Schools Cross Country Cup which took place last Saturday in St Albans, our inter girls’ squad acquitted themselves well.  Seven girls from Upper IV and Lower V competed…

A Week One Summer

19th November 2021

The autobiography of Floyd Steadman. You may have seen in the media that one of our Governors, Mr Floyd Steadman, published his autobiography in October, ‘A Week One Summer’.  This is the story of a life lived with perseverance and integrity.  From a childhood filled with adversity, Mr Steadman strove to be the best he…


19th November 2021

Inter-Faith Week. This week has been Inter-Faith Week and we take the opportunity to look back at the celebrations that took place on 4th November for the Feast of Diwali.  Diwali is the five-day Festival of Lights, marking the Hindu New Year and signifies the victory of light (good) over darkness (evil).      …

Anti-Bullying Week

12th November 2021

One Kind Word. Next week, 15th – 19th November 2021, is Anti-Bullying Week.  Coordinated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, this year’s theme is One Kind Word.  We are looking forward to beginning the week with Odd Socks Day, and urge pupils and staff to rummage for the oddest socks possible!    The Anti-Bullying Alliance website says,…

Remembrance Day 2021

12th November 2021

Whole School commemoration. Our flag few at half-mast on Thursday 11th November to mark Remembrance, or Armistice, Day, the anniversary of the ending of World War One in 1918.  The whole school gathered in the grounds for the two-minute silence at 11.00am, after which Daisy, one of our talented Priory Sixth musicians, played the Last…

Headteacher’s Blog: Creating Space for Headteachers surviving a pandemic

10th November 2021

The pandemic blurred all boundaries. Some of this was good. To start with we thought it was a great equaliser – anyone could catch COVID. But it wasn’t democratic – some people had a party, will speak freely of enjoying it – without a commute, children at home, salaries coming in. Others were cooped up…

Giant Walk to School

9th November 2021

Valuing who and what we have. Ealing’s school wide Giant Walk to School initiative on Friday 12th November is taking place  in support of COP26, the UN’s annual climate change conference, currently taking place in Glasgow.  This is a wonderful opportunity for us all to show our commitment to help alleviate the climate crisis and…