Category: Priory Post

Fright Night 2021

9th November 2021

Scary scenes at sunset… Priory Sixth organised some scary scenarios on Friday 5th November as ‘Fright Night’ was celebrated at St Augustine’s Priory.  Terror reigned for a good cause, as all money raised from the event is being donated to Care4Calais to assist Afghan refugees.  Lucy in Priory Sixth reports, ‘As is St Augustine’s Priory’s…

The Battle of Ideas Festival

9th November 2021

Priory Sixth experience. Priory Sixth students, Simran, Yuuri and Karuna attended ‘The Battle of Ideas Festival’, on Saturday 9th October.  The Battle of Ideas Festival is organised by the Academy of Ideas whose website says, ‘Since 2005 we have been carving out a space for public debate, bringing together hundreds of speakers and thousands of…

Debut Novel

5th November 2021

‘Somebody Loves You’. We are delighted to announce that former Augustinian parent, Mona Arshi, has produced her first novel, ‘Somebody Loves You’.  Ms Arshi worked as a human rights lawyer at Liberty before she started writing poetry.  Her debut collection, ‘Small Hands’ won the Forward Prize for best first collection in 2015. ‘Somebody Loves You’…

Cultural Dress Up Day

5th November 2021

And looking forward to Film Night for Seniors. The Cultural Dress Up Day on Friday 15th October, organised by the Modern Foreign Languages Department as a fundraising day for the education of Nicolás, a child in Argentina, was supported by pupils and staff in a glorious display of international costume. As their JustGiving pages states: …

Black History Month

4th November 2021

October events. Black History Month was celebrated by a multitude of activities at St Augustine’s Priory.  Among other events, Priory Sixth created a quiz for form prefects to use to raise awareness and increase knowledge, Upper V presented their Assembly on contemporary and historical figures and Lower V watched a talk by Dr Nira Chamberlain…

Junior Cake Decorating

4th November 2021

A cornucopia of cupcakes. Lower II and Upper II are enjoying their Cake Decorating Club and just before Half Term made some delicious treats.  Mrs Ross reports: ‘Upper II and Lower II girls thoroughly enjoy their Cake Decorating Club.  They practise during their sessions with play dough and then choose an animal to make out…

Upper V Drama visit

4th November 2021

‘Hamilton’. Ms Brown, Head of Drama, reports on the Upper V Drama visit to ‘Hamilton’ before Half Term. ‘It was exciting to take the Upper V GCSE Drama pupils to see Hamilton on Saturday 9th October. It was our first theatre outing since Covid, and the resuscitation of this live experience was truly wonderful to…

Priory Pyrotechnics

4th November 2021

A great end to the first half of term. The end of the first half of the Michaelmas Term was marked by a stupendous evening of Priory Pyrotechnics, the latest event from the St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee.  The grounds were filled with pupils, their families and staff and everyone enjoyed the celebrations.  The fireworks…

Sporting achievements

15th October 2021

A wonderful few weeks. The P.E. Department has had a tremendous few weeks in the Ealing Cross Country and English Schools Cross Country competitions.  Mrs Gosling, Director of P.E., reports, ‘In the recent ESSA Cross Country (English Schools’ Athletic Association) competition we came overall 7th out of 17 teams in the Junior Girls.  Our top…

Upper IV visit Bletchley Park

14th October 2021

LB TE HC EL PY RA XK. Mr Dellow, Head of Computing, reports on the day Upper IV spent at Bletchley Park on 12th October, ‘Our annual Bletchley Park visit took place this week; this is the sixth time the Department has taken Upper IV to the wonderful home of the WWII code breakers. Our…