Category: Priory Post

Form III journalist

30th April 2021

A record for our times. Form III were given a challenge during lockdown – to make a journal detailing their lives during these new-normal times.  They rose to the challenge and we here showcase Salma’s journal which covers all aspects of her life during lockdown.  Her experiences and views are brought to life and the…

Language learning

30th April 2021

Language learning in the Seniors Spanish language and linguistics. From Picasso to Colombia to linguistics – some of the topics covered by the podcasts and videos which have been enriching the language learning of Seniors.   Girls have been enjoying learning about topics relating to Spanish, Spanish culture and language learning and we here produce some…

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

30th April 2021

Inclusion Committee and other news. We are delighted that one of our Governors, Mr Floyd Steadman, will be coming in next week to lead our Key Stage 2 teachers in unconscious bias training.  Mr Steadman is one of our longest standing governors who trains people in this topic across the country and whose prior experience…

A Garden of Delights

29th April 2021

National Garden Scheme. If you are looking for an outdoor activity why not visit a local garden?  On Sunday 9th May, one of our members of staff and her husband are opening up their garden to raise money for the National Garden Scheme.  The garden will be open from 10.00am – 6.00pm. Tickets must be…

Girls on Board

29th April 2021

Upper II explore friendship. Friendships are an essential part of our lives and it is vital that children understand the dynamics of these relationships.  Mrs Mackay, Deputy Head Pastoral (Juniors) and Upper II girls explored friendships on Thursday 28th April in a Girls on Board session.  Mrs Mackay reports: ‘Girls on Board is an approach which…

The Holy Month of Ramadan

29th April 2021

  Upper II Alpha learn more. Upper II Alpha were excited to learn about Ramadan last week in a wonderful presentation which explored and explained all about this Islamic holy month.  This year Ramadan is from Monday 12th April until Tuesday 11th May and is a time of spiritual reflection and growth for Muslims, a…

St Joseph the Worker

29th April 2021

St Joseph the Worker The Year of St Joseph. From 8th December 2020 until 8th December 2021 we are celebrating the ‘Year of St Joseph’, commemorating the 150th anniversary of St Joseph being declared the Patron of the Universal Church. The first day of May is the Feast of St Joseph the Worker and, to mark…

A Time of Waiting

29th April 2021

A poem for the times. Member of the English Department and poet, Mr Neil Elder, here shares with us his latest poem, ‘Ministry of Waiting’.  Mr Elder’s collection, The Space Between Us, won the Cinnamon Press debut collection prize;  his Codes of Conduct won their pamphlet prize.  Also published: Being Present (2017),  And The House Watches On (2020). In 2021 Like This will be…

St George’s Day

23rd April 2021

Injustice slayed.  Mrs McDermott, Head of Faith Life, reminds us that today, 23rd April, is St George’s Day, the patron saint of England (and several other countries) and the patron saint of one of our school houses. St George’s Day cupcakes on offer at lunch today.  Thank you Holroyd Howe! ‘Very little is known for…

The Echo

23rd April 2021

Senior Assembly: Earth Day 2021 In this issue of ‘The Echo, we look at this year’s Earth Day, a day for us all to reflect, and take action on the issues facing our planet.  In his papal encyclical ‘Laudato Si’, ‘On care for our common home’, published in 2015, Pope Francis calls on us all…