Category: Priory Post

Priory Farm visitors

30th June 2022

A privilege for St Augustine’s Priory. On a drizzly 27th June we were delighted to welcome yet another set of visitors to the Priory Farm!  This week, it was the turn of Year 8 pupils from the Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls to see our Priory Farm.  Mr Raffray guided the pupils through all the…

Form III visit Hampton Court Palace

30th June 2022

A journey through time. Ms Trybuchowska, Head of History, tells us of Form III’s recent visit to Hampton Court Palace: ‘On 16th June, in the blazing sunshine, Form III jumped aboard two coaches and headed for Hampton Court Palace. They learnt from a guide (dressed in character as a lady-in-waiting from the Tudor era) about…

Lower VI Core Religious Education

30th June 2022

Poetry and Prose. Mrs Corkery, Head of R.E. reports on two examples of how the Lower VI demonstrates their learning in Core R.E.  The first example is poetry written by students reflecting on the latest unit they have studied, Christian Peace-making: Should Christians fight in wars? By Simran and Yuuri Should people fight in wars, With…

First Holy Communion Mass

24th June 2022

A celebration. Our First Holy Communion Mass took place on Wednesday 22nd June, beautifully celebrated by Fr Thomas on a lovely summer’s day. The First Holy Communicants had prepared the Mass extremely well and the family members and staff who attended were delighted to be a part of this wonderful morning.  The Faith Friends also…

Priory Farm visitors

24th June 2022

St Vincent’s Pet Ambassadors. On Tuesday 21st June the Priory Farm was delighted to welcome some important visitors from the St Vincent’s Roman Catholic Primary School in Acton.  Their Year 6 Pet Ambassadors entered wholeheartedly into the experience.  Mr Raffray guided them round and explained the care and commitment that looking after animals involves. The…

Prep II Astronomers

24th June 2022

Earth and Space explored. In the week when five major planets align in a rare planetary conjunction, Prep II this week learned about astronomy, studying Earth and Space.  Mrs Lennox reports: ‘This week we learned that the planets circle the Sun. We found that it takes Neptune 63 times longer than Earth to circle the…

Senior Sports Day

24th June 2022

Records broken. Senior Sports Day was held this year on a very warm summer’s day – Friday 17th June.  Several records were broken in a morning of great competition. St Michael’s House emerged victorious, closely followed by St George, St Raphael and then St Gabriel.  There were two winners of the Victor Ludorum, Sienna in…

Upper II Scientists

23rd June 2022

The Royal Institution. Mrs Lennox reports on the recent scientific visit of Upper II: ‘Monday 13th June saw Upper II scientists venture forth to the Royal Institution to see ‘Science on Stage’.  This challenged them and stretched their scientific abilities. There were three main learning performances, all based on scientific knowledge, such as The Benjamin…

ISRSA Competition

21st June 2022

Lower IV entries. Lower IV Alpha pupils, Homare and Hijiri, were two of the entries to this year’s Theology, Philosophy and Religious Essay Competition 2022 organised by the Independent Schools Religious Studies Association.  Head of Religious Education, Mrs Corkery, commented, ‘Homare and Hijiri showed great independence, research skills and critical thinking in their composition of…

Priory Farm and Meadow Open Morning

17th June 2022

Meeting the animals. The Priory Farm and the Meadow threw open their gates on Sunday 12th June to welcome visitors.  Our ‘Augustronomique’ horsebox opened up and provided refreshments on a warm June morning.  Mr Raffray, the Priory Farm Managers and the parents who volunteer on the allotment and Priory Farm were on hand to guide…