Category: Priory Post

Upper II Mathematicians

4th December 2020

The Primary Maths Challenge. Mrs Cattigan reports that our Upper II Mathematicians have achieved wonderful results in the Primary Mathematics Challenge. ‘Girls in Upper II took part in the Primary Maths Challenge which is an annual competition aimed at children in Junior schools across the country. This year we have awarded certificates within each year…

Nursery Nativity

4th December 2020

A wonderful start to Advent. The annual delight that is the Nursery Nativity kick-started our season of Nativities on Wednesday. Mary, Joseph, Angels, Kings, Shepherds and an Inn-keeper were to the fore in this celebration. Although parents were not able to be present, they were able to view proceedings virtually!  Everyone enjoyed themselves and the…

Priory 6 Mathematicians reap rewards

4th December 2020

The UK Maths Challenge. Ms Corsini writes with news about this year’s Senior UK Maths Challenge, run by the UK Mathematics Trust.  This is a competition we take part in every year, enjoying the mathematical challenges it poses! ‘Last month, students from around the United Kingdom took part in the annual Senior Mathematics Challenge organized…

‘The Echo’

3rd December 2020

St Augustine’s Priory and sustainability. Ms Hagerty and the Junior and Senior Eco Committees are delighted to launch the first ever article for The Echo, a new weekly bulletin which aims to engage our wider community in issues surrounding sustainability and reducing our carbon footprints. Our first bulletin discusses how to have a Sustainable Christmas,…

Library news

3rd December 2020

Gifts of Knowledge, Wisdom, Creativity and Imagination.   Not only has our School Librarian, Mrs Bhatti, decorated the Scriptorium beautifully for Advent and Christmas, she also brings news on the latest developments in the the library. ‘In the Juniors we have received some wonderful Project Book Boxes which contain the exciting gifts of knowledge, wisdom,…

Senior linguists excel

3rd December 2020

International Competition results.   Ariana in Lower V has written about the achievements of St Augustine’s Priory language students in an international modern languages competition, organised by Vocab Express.  Vocab Express is an online vocab learning application that was designed and developed in conjunction with a number of secondary MFL departments during the first half…

Seniors meet Dr Melanie Tan

3rd December 2020

Careers Talk. Mr Ferguson, History Department, has organised a great series of Careers Talks this term.  He reports on last Friday’s event: ‘Friday 27th November, saw Dr Melanie Tan, a doctor and consultant with the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, graciously make time in her busy schedule to offer a virtual talk to…

Upper VI General R.E.

1st December 2020

Building the Kingdom. During their recent period of remote learning, Albert Einstein has provided the inspiration for Upper VI during their General R.E. lesson by reflecting on his quote, ‘The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing’. Mrs McDermott, Head…

An ideal present

27th November 2020

‘Portraits for NHS Heroes’. Are you one of those organised people who have written their Christmas cards by 1st October and did your present buying last January?  If so, look away now.  This Christmas present suggestion is for those of you who haven’t bought their cards yet and are still wondering what presents their loved…

Advent 2020

27th November 2020

A season of preparation. This Sunday, 29th November, is the First Sunday of Advent, the season of preparation for the birth of Christ.  Mrs McDermott, Head of R.E. has some tips to celebrate these weeks leading up to Christmas… ‘The shops are full of Christmas decorations, the M&S Christmas party food looks tempting, Christmas songs…