Category: Priory Post

Form III meet the Rhinos

16th October 2020

A once in a lifetime experience. Despite the limitations of life these days, Form III visited Africa this week and connected with some wonderful  Northern White Rhinos.  Although they couldn’t travel to Kenya, Kenya came to us via Zoom! Ms Eng, Head of Art takes up the story:   ‘Over the summer, Arianna in Form III,…

Lower IV Art work

14th October 2020

Black History Month celebration. The celebrations to mark Black History Month continue in the Art Department as here, Ms Eng, Head of Art, reports on the work Lower IV have been undertaking in their study of perspective in Art.  Ms Eng writes: ‘We thought we would celebrate Black History Month by each researching an artefact…

Nursery Bakers

9th October 2020

Studying The Little Red Hen. The Nursery have been having an exciting time this week!  Mrs Morris reports that the story of the week was The Little Red Hen who finds some wheat.  She plants the wheat, harvests and mills it before baking it into delicious bread!  At each stage she asks all the other…

Dyslexia Awareness Week

9th October 2020

Activities around the School. Celebrating #GoRedForDyslexia today, 9th October, by wearing red accessories was a great way to help raise awareness of neurodiversity.  But there were many more activities going on around the school this week which all helped us to understand neurodiversity! Mrs Thackray, our Literacy Support Teacher, reports that St Augustine’s Priory marked…

News from the Library

9th October 2020

Books Galore. Mrs Bhatti, our School Librarian, updates us on all the literary activities going on this term throughout the school.  In addition, in this Dyslexia Awareness Week, Mrs Bhatti has put together an excellent display in the Scriptorium with books about various aspects of neurodiversity for girls to investigate. ‘We celebrated Roald Dahl’s birthday…

Upper IV visit Bletchley Park

9th October 2020

LB TE HC EL PY RA XK. Code-breaking – a subject that exerts a fascination for any fan of spy stories.  Mathematics and Computing are, of course, two subjects that are essential for life.  Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than at Bletchley Park.  Mr Dellow, Head of the Computing Department and Head of…

Drama and Diversity

8th October 2020

Our Drama Scholars report. Drama is a fascinating subject, allowing pupils to explore, not just the text, character or plot, but the wider issues surrounding the plays they study. At St Augustine’s Priory our pupils are involved in Drama productions each year and relish the opportunity to research and discover all that Drama has to…

Form III and Lower IV: European Day of Languages

7th October 2020

Learning new greetings. At St Augustine’s Priory we relish the learning of languages.   From Latin and Ancient Greek to the more modern (!) French, Spanish and Russian, we encourage the delight to be found in learning languages.  Here, Ionela in Lower V reports on the activities held at St Augustine’s Priory to celebrate the recent…

A Virtual Open Day

2nd October 2020

Welcoming visitors. Our virtual Open Day on Saturday 26th September was a wonderful opportunity to welcome visitors to St Augustine’s Priory, albeit via the computer.  The Open Day was held via five Zoom sessions where our guests spoke to the following: Headteacher & Pupils (Head Girl and Deputy Head Girls) Nursery & Juniors Seniors &…

Form III: Black History Month in the R.E. Department

2nd October 2020

St Augustine and St Monica. Mrs McDermott, Head of R.E., tells us of the research planned for October, Black History Month, in Form III. ‘During this month, Form III will be researching the lives of some black saints as inspirational role models. They will be sharing their findings with Priory Post during October and this…