Category: Priory Post

Our new, ‘virtual’ Carlo House

24th September 2020

Community and Remote Learning Online (CARLO). One of the greatest challenges of self-isolation is exactly that sense of isolation, which can make people of all ages feel cut off from their friends and relations.  We are therefore delighted to announce the launch of ‘Carlo’, a new ‘virtual’ House for all students (and staff) who are…

Lower II’s cross-curricular approach

18th September 2020

Explosions of colour! Mrs Round, Lower IIA Form Teacher, RE and Faith Leader and Science Leader, here shows how Lower II are embracing a cross-curricular approach to their subjects, combing Art with R.E. and ICT.  They have produced some glorious pieces of ‘Creation Art’ art work, incorporating theological questions, whilst also demonstrating their growing skills…

Reaching across the U.K.

17th September 2020

Blended Learning Initiative. One of the biggest challenges education is facing during the Covid-19 pandemic is how to simultaneously reach, stimulate and educate both those children who are in school and those who, owing to self-isolation or quarantine, are at home. At St Augustine’s Priory, we realised before lockdown began that an effective way of…

Winning Poems

16th September 2020

Chiswick Book Festival Young People’s Poetry Competition. Seventeen schools took part in this year’s Chiswick Book Festival Young People’s Poetry Competition and, with so many poems about lockdown submitted, a special ‘Lockdown’ category was created.  Tisha Maroo won the Year 7 section in this category with her eloquent and moving poem, ‘Locked In’ which encapsulates…

Ealing Foodbank

15th September 2020

September donations needed. This is a time of great need for many people.  The Ealing Foodbank has contacted us to ask if people are able to assist with their latest shopping list.  Their stocks are dwindling and they say that there was a 4909 kg gap between donations received and food distributed in August. They…

Premiere at the BBC Proms 2020

15th September 2020

Composer Hannah Kendall. The BBC Proms, the annual festival of classical music, is enjoyed every year by millions.  In 2020, the festival ran from 17th July until the Last Night of the Proms on Saturday 12th September.  This year, owing to the pandemic, it was unfortunately not possible to hold live concerts from the beginning…

Upper VI R.E. research

14th September 2020

Science and Religion: the Big Bang Theory. As part of their core R.E. programme this term, Mrs McDermott (Head of R.E.) is leading Upper VI in their investigations into the relationship between science and religion.  The origins of the universe have intrigued and fascinated people for millennia and here Naomi Jeffries writes about Mgr. Georges…

Geographers investigate

14th September 2020

Fieldwork in the time of coronavirus. Mr Chappory, Head of Geography, reports on the field visits which took place at the end of last week when he and his band of intrepid Geographers ventured to the south coast. ‘Despite some changes to A Level requirements for our current Upper VI, changes to Geography fieldwork is…

Resting in balance

11th September 2020

‘For Equilibrium’. We would like to share with you the following words, an oasis of grace in these turbulent days.  It is from John O’Donohue’s inspirational book,  ‘Benedictus, A Book of Blessings’ and is entitled ‘For Equilibrium’.  Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore, May the relief of laughter rinse through your…

Triumphant poetry winners!

10th September 2020

Chiswick Book Festival Young People’s Poetry Competition. Congratulations to Tisha Maroo, Ivy Lo and Caitlin Gallagher Rattan, all in Lower IV, who are all award winners in this year’s Chiswick Book Festival Young People’s Poetry Competition!  St Augustine’s Priory has a long history of prizewinning poets at this festival and this year has proved to…