Category: Priory Post


25th June 2020

Carbon Footprint Challenge. Lockdown has not stopped Mrs Bennet, Head of Faculty, in her targeting of the world of scientific and mathematical competitions and events.  IRIS (The Institute for Research in Schools) cancelled their Spring Conference and so students were invited to apply to contribute their presentations by video.  Our pupils were accepted and presented…

Lower I Songs and Certificates

25th June 2020

Courage.   The theme of ‘Courage’ resonated throughout the Lower I Songs and Certificates celebration today.  Following a morning’s Retreat, Lower I gathered to sing and to speak.  Girls were socially distanced in the Chapel and Miss Westley accompanied Lower I on the piano and friends who were not present joined virtually. This was a…

The Rose Garden

24th June 2020

‘When life throws thorns, hunt for roses.’  Anonymous. The rose garden is in full bloom at St Augustine’s Priory and these glorious flowers are a source of great cheer.  From red to orange to pink to white our roses are a welcome sight for sore eyes. The beds contain a variety of beautiful blooms, including…

Upper I Songs and Certificates

24th June 2020

A celebration of achievement. Upper I was welcomed at St Augustine’s Priory yesterday, Tuesday 23rd June, to celebrate their year of achievement with their Songs and Certificates.  After weeks of virtual learning the girls were very excited to be together again (with social distancing firmly to the fore, together with lots of hand sanitising).  After…

UCAS initiative

23rd June 2020

Schools collaborate. An exciting initiative is taking place this week as St Augustine’s Priory and the Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls together with the Sacred Heart High School in Hammersmith join in a week of innovative virtual activities around the process of applying to university through UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. We came…

Upper II Alpha celebrate National Windrush Day 2020

22nd June 2020

Poetry to the fore. Monday 22nd June 2020 sees National Windrush Day, a day to honour the British Caribbean community and celebrate the arrival of the passenger liner, the Empire Windrush, which, in 1948, arrived in London with Caribbean migrants who had come to help rebuild the UK after World War II. On a beautiful…

The inspiring Lower VI

27th March 2020

Being peaceful in times of uncertainty. Here we have another contribution from Lower VI, which has been produced through remote learning.  Emily Delargy, Lower VI, here speaks about Pax Christi – her final paragraph resonates sharply with the times we live in and the contribution we can all make. ‘Pax Christi International is an international…

Prayers for all

26th March 2020

Ten Ten Resources. Ten Ten Theatre Company, a professional Catholic theatre company which has often visited St Augustine’s Priory, has prepared resources for us all to use at this time.  We are attaching the following prayers and are grateful to Ten Ten for them. We do hope you find them of use.        …

Spring at St Augustine’s Priory

26th March 2020

The grounds wake from winter. The grounds at St Augustine’s Priory are beautifully coming into their own with Spring definitely in the air.  Daffodils, the heralds of Spring, are trumpeting the new season and blossoms and buds are running riot.    It seems strange to see the grounds and animals at St Augustine’s Priory without…

Lower VI researchers

24th March 2020

Pax Christi. Lower VI has not let the grass grow under their feet.  In today’s remote learning lesson (24th March), Mrs McDermott, Head of R.E., gave them a mission to research and write about Pax Christi, the international organisation which works for peace based on the gospel. Over the last half term Priory 6 has…