Category: Priory Post

The Nursery and a special afternoon tea

31st May 2022

Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee. The Nursery was well ahead of the curve on Friday 27th May, when they held their very own celebration for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  There was a tea table laid with a variety of delicious fruit on offer, including strawberries, and a proper cream tea with scones and cream and jam….

Lower V and St Pancras

26th May 2022

GCSE Geographers investigate regeneration. On Friday 20th May, Lower V GCSE Geography students visited the area around St Pancras, which has undergone a transformation in recent years. The aim of the field visit was to study how sustainable the regeneration and rebranding that has taken place was environmentally, economically and socially.  Mr Chappory, Head of…

The Feast of the Ascension

26th May 2022

Whole School Mass. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the beginning of Half Term – a whole school Mass in the Meadow to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, which commemorates the Ascension of Christ into heaven. Prep I to Priory Sixth gathered this morning to hear Fr Thomas celebrate Mass, joined by Governors…

Upper II adventurers

25th May 2022

Adventures galore! From Monday 16th until Friday 20th May Upper II took part in a very adventurous residential visit to PGL Caythorpe Court.  This is a large adventure centre in Lincolnshire and all in Upper II made the most of their time there!  We have had some wonderful feedback from the centre, who praised our…

Lower V and the Chapel

23rd May 2022

A privileged time. We are privileged at St Augustine’s Priory to have our own Chapel where we regularly celebrate Mass and hold retreats.  It is definitely the centre of life in our school.  On the morning of 23rd May, Lower V took part in another sacred event when they gathered in the Chapel where, Mrs…

Upper VI poetry

23rd May 2022

Core R.E. creative writing. Before Upper VI departed for study leave and A Levels, teacher of R.E., Mrs Flannelly, set them the task of finding an image of their choice – on the Earth or in space.  The pupils were then asked to write a short piece of creative writing to accompany the image, with…

Lower II Retreat

20th May 2022

A day of joy. Lower II’s Retreat on Tuesday 17th May was around the theme of ‘The Great Mandatum’.  They gathered in the Chapel to think about their relationship with God and how we can all be closer to Him.  The day was based around Jesus’ commandment to love God and love one another as…

Prep I Ballet Display

19th May 2022

  Dancing festival. Prep I delighted an audience of families and the Nursery when they danced the afternoon away on Wednesday 18th May.  Dressed in a variety of splendid costumes, they demonstrated their expertise on the dance floor to a variety of musical pieces.  The audience were treated to both solo and ensemble work and…

Upper IV pupil’s playwriting achievement

19th May 2022

New Views. Ms Eaton, English Department, and Ms Brown, Head of Drama, launched New Views, the National Theatre’s playwriting competition, here at St Augustine’s Priory for the first time this year. The initiative offers twelve creative writers aged 14-18 years the chance to develop their own 30-minute plays. Our 12 writers: Lucy, Maggie, Marija, Darya,…

Lower VI and ‘Hamilton’

19th May 2022

A superb production. A Level Drama pupil and Scholar, Maggie, in Lower VI, here reviews ‘Hamilton’ the musical theatre production Lower VI went to see on Thursday 5th May. ‘I went to see the Broadway production of Hamilton at the Victoria Palace theatre with Ms Brown on 5th May. I thought that actor and writer…