Category: Priory Post

GCSE and A Level Artists

22nd November 2019

A Masterclass in portraiture. GCSE and A Level students were treated to a portrait-painting masterclass on Thursday 21st November when professional artist and art tutor Vicky Saumarez visited to guide students through the intricacies and techniques of portrait painting.  This was no theory lesson – the students learnt by doing and by critiquing the work…

Fright Night!

21st November 2019

A tour of terror. Monday 4th November was a frightful evening at St Augustine’s Priory as the Seniors were treated to a treasure trove of terror at our annual Fright Night – and all in a good cause! Lower VI organised this brilliant event to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.  So many…

Lower IV and cyber security

14th November 2019

A visit to IBM. On 11th October Lower IV took part in an inspiring visit to IBM at their CyberDay4for Girls.  Mr Dellow, Head of Computing, reports on the visit: ‘Just before half term, our Lower IV pupils were lucky enough to be invited to IBM to take part in a cyber security day.  We were…

Upper IV codebreakers

12th November 2019

Exploring a top-secret past. Head of Computing and Upper IV Senior Form Tutor, Mr Dellow, encourages pupils to think outside the classroom and thus, on 9th October, took Upper IV to Bletchley Park, once the top-secret home of the World War II codebreakers.  He reports: ‘It is hard to believe that this is already our…

U14 Netballers to the fore

11th November 2019

A day of achievement! Saturday 9th November saw the U14 and U15 Middlesex Preliminary Schools Netball Tournament take place at the Lady Eleanor Holles school in Hampton.  We fielded our U14 team, two of whom played up from the U13 team. In a wonderful competition our team won all seven of their matches and came…

Upper I and their Mass of Remembrance

8th November 2019

Prayers for always. At the Mass for the Juniors on Wednesday, which was beautifully celebrated for us by Fr Thomas, Upper I organised the liturgy and put a great deal of thought into their Mass.  The theme they took was ‘Remembrance’ as Remembrance Sunday is this weekend.  They made a wreath of poppies which was…

Upper II Alpha and the Kingdom of God

8th November 2019

A thoughtful consideration. Ms Cattigan, Form Teacher, Upper II Alpha, has been teaching her class about the Kingdom of God.  The class was asked to consider how our beliefs about the Kingdom of God impact our moral values and behaviour.  Lara Ward has written about this and we would like to share with you her…

Maths Challenges, Ciphers and Competitions

7th November 2019

A Mathematical Michaelmas 2019. Mrs Bennet, Head of Maths, describes the challenges the Priory 6 mathematicians are enjoying this term, an opportunity to hone their maths’ skills and relish the joy of competition! ‘As if the Sixth Formers don’t have enough to do in the Michaelmas Term, with UCAS applications, EPQs, revision and mock preparation,…

Academic Scholars’ News

7th November 2019

Meetings of Minds. Mr Elder reports on the activities of our Academic Scholars who meet regularly to discuss and question current affairs and wider matters of interest: ‘On particular Wednesday mornings, while staff and students are arriving at school, the academic scholars are to be found in the Scriptorium discussing matters of the day or…

Hyperbolic Crochet Club

5th November 2019

Mathematical shapes extraordinaire! Mrs Bennet, Head of Mathematics, has taken cross-curricular activity to its extreme with her Hyperbolic Crochet Club.  A combination of mathematical and crocheting skills, this club reach the parts of mathematics and handicrafts that no other club can reach!  Mrs Bennet reports, ‘Since the launch of the Hyperbolic Crochet Club in September…