Category: Priory Post

Headteacher’s Blog: Speaking to the NBCW

6th May 2022

Education, Spirituality, Church and the Feminine. On Thursday 28th April Mrs Raffray was guest speaker at the National Board of Catholic Women (NBCW). This was a wonderful opportunity and Mrs Raffray seized it with both hands, speaking on ‘Education, Spirituality, Church and the Feminine’, an extraordinarily inspirational talk. The NBCW says, ‘As a body with…

New Priory Sixth leaders

5th May 2022

A new team takes position. The new Priory Sixth leadership team for 2022-2023 has been announced and the Priory Sixth pupils who have been appointed are eager to begin their work.  The Priory Sixth team they are taking over from has done remarkable work over the past year and we look forward to working with…

Charities Week

5th May 2022

Four causes to support. Our annual Charities Week, held at the end of the last half term raised a wonderful £4,267.10 for the four House charities.   This is a wonderful amount which will be divided amongst MIND, the mental health charity; the Down’s Syndrome Association; SightSavers, the international charity which works to eliminate avoidable blindness…

Lower IV’s studies in R.E.

5th May 2022

St Oscar Romero and Abraham. Ms Corkery, Head of Religious Studies, tells us of the researches Lower IV have been undertaking in  R.E.: “Lower IV have been busy studying the topic of conscience and St Oscar Romero recently. They have also been designing their own El Salvadorian crosses, inspired by their own communities, background, culture,…

Six Lambs in Six Days!

5th May 2022

The Priory Farm produces. ‘Six lambs in six days!’ was Farm Manager’s Freya’s comment on the recent hive of activity in the Priory Farm.  Spring has definitely arrived at St Augustine’s Priory as Priory Sixthformer Freya’s pictures show.  Visitors are plentiful to see the newborns, who are very quickly finding their feet and enjoying life….

Upper IV’s witty production

29th April 2022

Emil and the Detectives. 1920s Berlin and a young boy’s money is stolen.  The chase is on as he tracks down the thief and makes new friends along the way – such is the plot of ‘Emil and the Detectives’ adapted by Carl Miller from the novel by Erich Kästner, first published in 1929 and…

Upper IV’s encounter with a world champion

28th April 2022

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Upper IV took part in their practice expedition for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award last Sunday, 24th April, when they explored the area around St Albans, walking 19 – 20 kilometres.  It was a warm and sunny day and the girls were divided into groups comprising six or seven…

Paris Netball Tour 2022

28th April 2022

A Photographic Story The P.E. Department is always enthusiastic when it comes to providing our sports teams with opportunities and this year’s tour to Disneyland, Paris, provided our pupils with the chance to develop their netballing skills, compete with other teams and also enjoy all the facilities Disneyland has to offer! This year’s tour took…

Upper II and Senior Choir celebrate chorally!

28th April 2022

Performing at the o2 Arena. Monday 25th April saw most of Upper II and the Senior Choir journey to the O2 Arena in Greenwich where, together with thousands of other school pupils, they performed a variety of music.  This astonishing event was organised by Young Voices, a musical charity which encourages schoolchildren to get together…

Prep II and Prep III visit Odds Farm

28th April 2022

Meeting new friends! On Tuesday 26th April, Prep II and Prep III visited Odds Farm in Buckinghamshire.  We rejoice in having a farm at St Augustine’s Priory which has sheep, chickens and ducks, but Odds Farm also has goats, cows, pigs and rabbits and a wide variety of sheep breeds.  The implications for cross-curricular learning,…