Category: Priory Post

Lower VI R.E.

26th April 2022

Was Jesus a Game Changer? Ms Corkery, Head of Religious Education, reports on life in Lower VI as they study R.E.: “In Core R.E. lessons, Lower VI have been exploring the extent to which Jesus was a game changer. They have explored Jesus’ influence from a number of key perspectives, including his contribution to equality…

Lower II’s partnership

21st April 2022

Pen pals in France. The benefits of learning a language are becoming apparent to Lower II as, since September 2021, the pupils have been involved in a partnership with a primary school in the French town of Fréjeville.  The opportunity to correspond with children of their own age is a wonderful opportunity to hone their…

Beginning the Summer Term

20th April 2022

Lower II in the Prayer Garden. Today at St Augustine’s Priory we celebrated the beginning of the Summer Term with two Masses, celebrated for us by Fr Thomas. Mrs Round, Form Teacher Lower IIA, tells us how, in addition, Lower II celebrated the beginning of the Summer Term at St Augustine’s Priory.   ‘Lower II…

Easter liturgies

13th April 2022

The School marks the Easter journey. The end of the Lent Term 2022 was marked at St Augustine’s Priory with several liturgies to prepare for the coming of Easter.  The Preps, with energy and enthusiasm, held a Palm Sunday Liturgy and also an Easter Egg Hunt.  Palms were made and waved and then the Meadow…

Spring Concert

5th April 2022

A Festival of Music. The St Augustine’s Priory Spring Concert took place on Thursday 31st March and featured our musical ensembles and soloists playing a varied selection of music in front of an appreciative audience of parents.  This was a truly joyous celebration of music from many periods and styles. The concert began with Lower…

Bronze STARS

5th April 2022

TfL accreditation scheme. Earlier in the Lent Term we received our plaque and certificate from TfL (Transport for London) for achieving our Bronze STARS – Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe Accreditation. This has been awarded in recognition of achievement in active and safer travel initiatives. STARS is “TfL’s accreditation scheme for London schools and nurseries….

Intermediate Maths Challenge

4th April 2022

Upper IV – Upper V winners. Albert Einstein said, ‘Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas’. At St Augustine’s Priory, poetry, in all its guises, is valued and encouraged.  Mrs Bennet, Head of Mathsematics, encourages the love of Mathematics by regularly entering students from Upper II upwards in the Maths Challenges…

Student Council

31st March 2022

‘You said, we did’. Listening to and acting upon students’ concerns is one of the key functions of the Student Council.  This dedicated student-led body meets regularly throughout the year and takes the initiative to hear and put forward proposals coming from pupils. Some of the recent proposals coming from the Student Council were: Asking…

Charities Week beginnings

31st March 2022

Off to a good start. Charities Week had a tremendous start last Friday when girls in Lower II and Upper II who are members of The Eyes of the World Club held a bake sale in aid of Refugee Action.  Miss Cooke takes up the story: ‘The Eyes of the World club is the co-curricular…

Building the Kingdom

31st March 2022

Nursery to Upper II enjoy meeting our guests. We hosted visitors on Friday 25th March when Deputy Heads from around the country came to St Augustine’s Priory as part of the National School of Formation Barnabas Magdalene Programme.  The programme is designed to promote leadership and our guests spent the day observing our work around…