Category: Priory 6 Newsletter

A Level and GCSE results

20th August 2020

Congratulations! Many congratulations to our wonderful A Level and GCSE pupils in this extraordinary year of 2020.  They have achieved excellent results! Last week, on Thursday 13th August, we learnt that our girls had achieved 72% A* to A grades at A Level.  As in past years they are going on to  world-class universities, including…

Priory 6 Newsletter

20th April 2018

Issue 01. We are pleased to present the first issue of the Priory 6 Newsletter, outlining all that Priory 6 is looking forward to during this Summer Term and onwards into the future, and so is of relevance to all those in Upper V.  The events, the exams and the enjoyments! Priory 6 2018 –…