Category: Senior

Priory Post 83 – Ten Ten Theatre

26th August 2015

Ten Ten Theatre Senior School Performances On Monday 2nd February Ten Ten Theatre visited St Augustine’s Priory to perform plays for Upper V, Upper IV and Lower IV.  Ten Ten Theatre is an award-winning theatre company working in primary schools, secondary schools, young offender institutions, parishes, community venues and theatres throughout the UK and has…

Priory Post 87 – Your Life You Choose

26th August 2015

Your Life You Choose Citizenship Day at St Augustine’s Priory On Tuesday 3rd February St Augustine’s Priory’s Form III welcomed Year 7 of Clifton Lodge and Durston House to  ‘Your Life, You Choose’ a citizenship day about young people and their choices. We have hosted Your Life You Choose at St Augustine’s Priory for several…

Priory Post 93 – Careers Day

26th August 2015

Careers Day Upper IV prepare for GCSEs and beyond On Tuesday 27th January, Upper IV took part in Careers Day which is designed to help the girls prepare for life following school and university.  Here, Amanpreet Bains, Upper IVA, gives an account of the day. ‘Careers Day gave us an insight into the preparation needed…

Priory Post 95 – Marvellous Maths!

26th August 2015

Marvellous Maths! Success in 2015 Intermediate Maths Challenge Our pupils have achieved superb results in this year’s Intermediate Maths Challenge.  Mrs Bennet fills us in on the details: ‘The Intermediate Challenge is an annual event, organised by the UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT), aimed at pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11 (Upper IV, Lower V,…

Priory Post 96 – The Comedy of Errors

26th August 2015

The Comedy of Errors The Excitement Mounts! It’s nearly time for our Senior School production of William Shakespeare’s ‘The Comedy of Errors’ which will be performed in the main playhouse of The Questors Theatre, Mattock Lane, Ealing W5, on three nights:  Thursday 26th, Friday 27th and Saturday 28th February at 7.30 pm. Under the leadership…

Priory Post 99 – ‘The Comedy of Errors’

26th August 2015

‘The Comedy of Errors’ Our 2015 Senior School Production Our production of ‘The Comedy of Errors’ by William Shakespeare was a great show, a highlight of the year.  From the crew to the cast the hard work and talent of our pupils was apparent in a show that combined smooth-running, great design and excellent performances….

Priory Post 100 – Election Fever

26th August 2015

Election Fever Hustings for Head Girl and Deputies General Election?  What General Election? This week our attention is focused on the elections for the next St Augustine’s Priory Head Girl and the three Deputy Head Girls.  On Monday 2nd March the candidates for these posts gathered in the Scriptorium to convince each and every one…

Priory Post 102 – Ski-ing in Italy

26th August 2015

Ski-ing in Italy Upper II and Form III hit the slopes During the February half term girls in Upper II and Form III spent a wonderful five days ski-ing in Tarvisio, Italy.  Mr Judson, Mrs Costello and Ms Gambrill accompanied this trip and comments and pictures from Italy engulfed the Ski trip’s Twitter account. All…

Priory Post 69 – Unsung Heroes of WWI….

25th August 2015

Unsung Heroes of WWI…. From a home to a hospital In another of our articles on Unsung Heroes of World War I, we would like to thank Serena and Jemima Gray (Lower VA and Lower VI) for sending us this article on their extraordinary great great grandparents and their great great grandmother’s determination and resolve…

Priory Post 70 – Hockey Rules!

25th August 2015

Hockey Rules! Internationals visit St Augustine’s Priory Our hockey players had a wonderful time on Wednesday 21st January as St Augustine’s Priory played host to two England and Team GB hockey internationals, Georgie Twigg and Sam Ward. Our P.E. staff and coaches had organised the visit – a fantastic encouragement and a terrific help to…