Category: Senior

Young People’s Poetry Competition 2021

17th September 2021

Chiswick Book Festival results. Congratulations to our winning poets who yet again have had success in the Chiswick Book Festival Young People’s Poetry Competition. For some years St Augustine’s Priory has done well in this competition and Mr Elder was delighted that four of his Form III (now Lower IV) class continued the tradition. The…

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

17th September 2021

Workshops on offer. We have been notified of two free online workshops for Ealing families, funded by the Windrush Day Grant.  The workshops are aimed at families who have children attending Ealing schools and will be of great interest and value to all. The first, ‘Britain’s Black History’, takes place on Tuesday 21st September from…

Lower IV Authors

17th September 2021

Silly Summer Stories. What to do with the summer holidays coming up?  If you are anything like Esinam and Anaya (then in Form III) you will decide to enter a writing competition.  Not only did they enter, they are now published authors!  ‘Silly Summer Stories, An Anthology by Young Authors’ was published in August and…

Meeting Members of Staff

16th September 2021

Mrs C McNulty. This term we welcome a new Drama teacher to the St Augustine’s Priory Drama Department, Mrs McNulty, who will be teaching both Juniors and Seniors.  She has this to say: ‘I am very excited to have joined St Augustine’s Priory as it is such a kind and caring community. It is also…

Form III begin the new term

10th September 2021

Old friends and new. Starting in the Seniors is a giant and exciting step for everyone concerned.  And this year is no exception.  We welcomed into the Seniors girls who have come up from Upper II and also a host of new girls.  Old friends and new are settling in beautifully at St Augustine’s Priory…

Creating Space

10th September 2021

Our theme for this year. St Augustine’s Priory delights in having over twelve acres of grounds and pupils and staff make good use of them throughout the year.  These grounds give our pupils space to grow, learn and play, space to be themselves and space to care – for the environment and for each other….

Meeting Members of Staff

8th September 2021

Mr J Philpott. We are delighted to welcome Mr Philpott to St Augustine’s Priory who this year joins us as our new Bursar and Clerk to the Governors. A conflict arose in his youth as, born in Bristol and raised in Bath, he was spoilt for choice when deciding which rugby team to support.  He…

Excellent DELF Results

7th September 2021

Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française. This was the first year that pupils that pupils at St Augustine’s Priory took the DELF (Diploma of French Language Studies) and all the girls achieved excellent results!  Mlle Gandi, Modern Foreign Languages Department, comments, ‘This has been a very successful year, reflecting the pupils’ commitment and dedication – not…

Art Showcase: Upper V and Upper VI

7th September 2021

Exhibition in the Cloister and Senior Art Room. Welcoming us all back to school this Michaelmas Term was the wonderful art work of our last year’s Upper V and Upper VI which adorns the Cloister and Senior Art Room.  The art students have produced a range of exquisite works, which show the artistic development of…

GCSE Results 2021

13th August 2021

Great results. The GCSE results achieved by the pupils demonstrate how hard work and perseverance pays off.  Girls have worked alongside teachers in this ‘new normal’ year and have shown how, even with lockdowns, great GCSE results were accomplished. Despite all the interruptions and uncertainties of the past year, Upper V pupils have shown focus…