Category: Senior

The ICAEW BASE Challenge

25th June 2021

  Our Sixth Form Finalists. We are now able to report on the results of the BASE challenge organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).  Mrs Bennet, Head of Maths, reports on the National Final of the ICAEW Base Challenge. ‘To the backdrop of cheering from the sports field (Senior…

Drama in the Seniors

25th June 2021

GCSE Devising and Grimm Tales. Ms Brown, Head of Drama, tells us about Lower V’s excellent performance this week: ‘Lower V GCSE Drama pupils wowed their audience with their Devising Drama exam plays on the evening of Wednesday 23rd June. From the comic Victorian melodrama ‘She Sherlock’, to crime thriller ‘Jailbirds’, to American time travel…

Priory Farm Open Day

24th June 2021

The Secrets of Sheep Shearing. Sunday 20th June saw a mega-Open Day at our Priory Farm.  Visitors flocked in to meet the animals and the Trash and Treasure Farmers’ Market supplied refreshments in all their forms to our guests, together with other produce for sale, including Sarv’s Slice, the family pizza business which includes our…

Senior Sports Day

24th June 2021

A record-breaking year. The atmosphere during Senior Sports Day is always incredible and this year was no different as Seniors and staff gathered on Wednesday 16th June to compete and to spectate.  And this year was a record breaker!  Records were broken from Form III to Lower V in the 200m, 300m, 800m, the high…

Lower IVA’s Pilgrimage

18th June 2021

‘A Priory Pilgrimage’. ‘The Canterbury Tales’ by Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the most famous books in the English language.  Written at the end of the fourteenth century, this collection of 24 stories tells of a group of motley pilgrims as they journey to Canterbury.  The tales give a, sometimes not very flattering, but extremely…

New School Officials

18th June 2021

Priory Sixth Leadership Team 2021 – 2022. This week we said farewell to our current Upper VI.  They have been such an inspiring year and we wish all of them the very best in their future endeavours and thank all of those who have been the Priory Sixth Leadership Team, headed by Ljilja as Head…

Form III and Lower IV Geographers

18th June 2021

Field visits commence! Mr Chappory, Head of Geography, reports on the two Geography field visits which, after a long gap,  Form III and Lower IV were able to take part in last week: Lower IV ready to set off! ‘On Thursday 10th and Friday 11th June, the Geography Department took Form III and Lower IV…

‘Secrets Of the Hotel Grande’

18th June 2021

Now available! Caitlin and Niamh in Lower IV made excellent use of lockdown.  While others of us were taking exercise, clearing out our attics or wondering when we could come back to school, Caitlin and Niamh wrote a book.  This thriller comes complete with an amazing plot, great characters and a pace and verve that…

Lower IV Scholars present

11th June 2021

A range of subjects. The topics covered in the presentations made by our scholars are always diverse and thought-provoking and here Mr Elder reports on the most recent presentations made by our Lower IV Scholars just before Half Term. ‘The Lower IV Scholars met at the end of the last Half Term and we had…

UKMT Junior Maths Challenge

11th June 2021

Upper II to Lower IV winners. Just before Half Term Mrs Bennet received the wonderful news of our latest Mathematical achievements.  This year’s national competition, the Junior Maths Challenge, run by the UK Mathematics Trust, is aimed at the Form III and Lower IV age group but, as always, we encourage girls from Upper II…