Category: Senior

The Echo

23rd April 2021

Senior Assembly: Earth Day 2021 In this issue of ‘The Echo, we look at this year’s Earth Day, a day for us all to reflect, and take action on the issues facing our planet.  In his papal encyclical ‘Laudato Si’, ‘On care for our common home’, published in 2015, Pope Francis calls on us all…

Exercising minds and stretching muscles

22nd April 2021

Military Activities.  From Lower II through to Priory 6, and even staff, Monday and Tuesday were days of military activities at St Augustine’s Priory when M A D Education (Military Activity Days in Schools) arrived to put us all through our paces.  A range of exciting activities took place in the school grounds, including an…

Meeting Members of Staff

16th April 2021

Mrs D Martin. This term we welcome Mrs D Martin to St Augustine’s Priory as our new Head of Chemistry who will be teaching Form III to Upper VI.   She is looking forward to ‘working with the community at St Augustine’s Priory’.  Mrs Martin enjoys Chemistry as pupils ‘learn through practical work and see things…

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

16th April 2021

Presentation to classes.  Friday 16th April was certainly a wonderful day for Juniors as a special virtual Assembly was held at which new books were presented to each class for their library.  Ms Keane, Deputy Head Academic (Juniors) reported that, ‘Our Library budget this year has been allocated to ensure that our books portray characters…

Heads Up…

15th April 2021

‘Building Back Better’. ‘Heads Up’ is the podcast of Mr Matthew Burke, Headteacher of St Edward’s School in Cheltenham.  In episode 11 of this podcast, Mr Burke talks with Mrs Raffray ‘about what schools should be doing to “build back better” as we come out of the pandemic and look towards the future.’  Among subjects…

New growth

15th April 2021

Priory Farm. As Spring takes hold, the grounds at St Augustine’s Priory are seeing new growth, both in the flora and the fauna!  The allotment is showing signs of growth, and our new lambs have started to arrive.  The Farm Managers are pursuing their duties vigorously and are daily to be seen tending to the…

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

26th March 2021

Work in progress. The news that next term will see the launch of our Inclusion Committee was backed up this week by work in both Juniors and Seniors. Departments across the school are involved in putting together a programme of work which addresses the issues of inclusion, diversity and equity. Mr Chappory reports that ‘Every…

Gala Concert

26th March 2021

A memorable musical event. Last night, Thursday 25th March saw the culmination of a musical event that has been taking place amongst the Seniors over the past few weeks.  This was the Gala of the Music Competition. The heats took place over several lunchtimes and those chosen performed yesterday evening in the Chapel in front…

Woman of the Mount

25th March 2021

Poetry for World Meteorological Day. Monday 23rd March was World Meteorological Day.  It is fitting that Megan in Lower V recently composed this poem expressing timely concerns over climate change. Woman of the Mount Her fingers, made rough by the years of wisdom, brushed through Her gentle white waves. Softly singing, Her sighs echoed around…

Lower V prepares Mass

25th March 2021

Mass in the last week of term As we near the end of term and the end of Lent, the last Mass of the term was this week celebrated by Fr Thomas and prepared by Lower VA.  Although it was the day before the feast of the Annunciation, that feast’s readings were used.  We heard…