Category: Senior

Ash Wednesday ‘At Home’

12th February 2021

A guide for us all. The following Ash Wednesday At Home guide has been prepared by the Diocese of Westminster Education Service.  As Mrs George writes, ‘As Ash Wednesday falls in half term this year on 17th  February, we thought you may appreciate an Ash Wednesday at Home Guide to help you come together as…

The Echo

12th February 2021

The impact of the pandemic. The Senior Eco Committee has prepared the latest edition of ‘The Echo’, the bulletin from the Junior and Senior Eco Committees which aims to engage our wider community in issues surrounding sustainability and reducing our carbon footprints. This edition discusses the impact of the Covid pandemic: ‘Owing to the pandemic,…

Musical Endeavours

11th February 2021

A virtual achievement. Learning a musical instrument is a thoroughly rewarding endeavour, but is it something that can be pursued in the current climate, where learning online may sound a challenge too far?  Let Naomi, one of our Upper VI students, dispel any doubts you may have!  Her achievement this year is a testament to…

Priory 6 Travel Scholarships

5th February 2021

Something to aim for! Each year, Priory 6 girls are invited to submit applications for the St Augustine’s Priory Travel Scholarships.  We always receive some fascinating proposals from girls wanting to explore the distant reaches of our planet. This year was no exception and two projects have been selected to be awarded the scholarship.  Prisha…

Form III have fun

5th February 2021

Learning through activity. There are many ways of learning, and by no means to all of them involve a computer!  An example of this is how Form III have been expanding their theological knowledge as they learn about the seven sacraments.  As Mrs McDermott says, ‘Form IIIA have been having some crazy fun in RE! …

Lower IV’s journey in faith

5th February 2021

A grief observed. Another diary entry from Lower IV resulting from research into the Exodus story.  Here, Iris speaks to us as an Israelite mother, anxious and worried as the troubles mount up. ‘I watched from afar as hail poured down from above and fire rampaged the earth, smelling smoke in the air and hearing…

Lower IV and a story for our time

5th February 2021

The relevance of the Old Testament. Mrs McDermott, Head of Religious Studies, realised that this contribution from Lucia in Lower IV, was eminently applicable to the current situation we find ourselves in. A moving and very relevant diary entry dating back to the days of the Old Testament, when the Hebrews were enslaved in the…

‘Whole Being’

29th January 2021

Now and Beyond Mental Health Festival. St Augustine’s Priory is celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week (1st – 7th February) with a programme of activities that everyone can become involved in, with the highlight being Wednesday 3rd February’s ‘Now and Beyond Mental Health Festival’. Both Juniors and Seniors have a programme of activities planned with Juniors…

Partnership in action

29th January 2021

Walking and working together. During the first lockdown last year, Priory Purpose, the Sixth Form student-led initiative that seeks to serve the community through fundraising via projects such as their annual Fright Night, created a website called Creativity Counts.  Moved by how so many children had no access to creative learning our Sixth Form sought to help…

Senior Mathematicians’ achievement

29th January 2021

University of Southampton cipher challenge. Mrs Bennet, Head of Mathematics, reports on how the mathematicians at St Augustine’s Priory are meeting the challenges of lockdown and triumphing in a way that shows how amazing they are! ‘Every year the University of Southampton runs a cipher challenge with a series of increasingly difficult messages to decrypt…