Category: Senior

Fratelli Tutti

28th January 2021

Accompanying with an open heart. On 4th October last year, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, the Vatican released the latest encyclical by Pope Francis, ‘Fratelli Tutti’.  Mrs McDermott, Head of Religious Studies, here tells us about a recent online training session led by Fr Eamonn Mulcahy on ‘Fratelli Tutti’. ‘Fr Eamonn is a…

Seniors and the environment

22nd January 2021

Earthshot competition. This morning at Assembly, Mrs Raffray announced the winners in our Earthshot competition.  You will remember that last November we wrote about The Earthshot Prize, whose website stated, ‘The Earthshot Prize is the most prestigious global environment prize in history, designed to incentivise change and help repair our planet over the next ten…

2020 in Ten Poems

22nd January 2021

Poem of the Week. No-one who viewed the inauguration of President Biden this week could  have been failed to be moved by the power of poet Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration Day 2021 poem, ‘The Hill We Climb’.  Although written especially for the day and speaking about the United States, there were lines that resonated with everyone…

Lower IV linguists

21st January 2021

Búsqueda de tesoros. Mlle Gandi, Modern Languages Department, tells us of the work Lower IV have been conducting in Spanish, ‘Lower IV have been learning about sports in Spanish this week and they have been exceptionally engaged in class. One of the activities was a treasure hunt, a ‘Búsqueda de tesoros’. In Ms De Lahitte’s…

Form III and DELF

15th January 2021

French learning steams ahead! Ms Gandi, Modern Languages Department, reports that three of our Form III girls sat the DELF Prim A1.1 in November 2020.  She says, ‘This is the first time that we have sat the DELF Prim A1.1 at St Augustine’s Priory.  The DELF is a diploma awarded by the French Ministry of…

Testing, testing, testing

15th January 2021

  St Augustine’s Priory Test Site. In her video this week, we are led by Headteacher Mrs Raffray on a tour of the test site at St Augustine’s Priory.  Here, staff who are coming into the school and the children of critical workers are able to access lateral flow tests for Covid-19 on a weekly…

Selection Day 2021

15th January 2021

An innovative start to the New Year. Mrs Savic, the St Augustine’s Priory Registrar, reports on this year’s unusual Selection Day: ‘This year’s 11+ Selection Day was like no other in that we did not have any written tests but instead an extended interview via Zoom.  The current national lockdown has meant that we could…

Meeting Members of Staff

15th January 2021

Mr J Wesolowski. This term we are delighted to welcome Mr J Wesolowski who is joining the Mathematics Department as cover for Ms Khairoun to teach the Seniors.  Mathematics is a subject Mr Wesolowski says, ‘helps students with analytical and problem-solving skills’. Mr Wesolowski says, ‘I’m looking forward to teaching girls with a love of…

The Chapel in Advent

16th December 2020

Looking to Christmas. Our journey through Advent centres around the anticipation of Christmas, the coming of the Christ child into our lives.  Our Chapel has remained open throughout this time, welcoming all those who wish to spend quiet time in peace and contemplation safe in the knowledge that throughout all our lives, it is this…

Seniors and Priory 6 are virtually examined

16th December 2020

LAMDA examinations. Miss Snell, Drama and LAMDA teacher, reports on the LAMDA examinations which took place this week. ‘Despite everything, LAMDA exams took place at St Augustine’s Priory this week with a virtual examiner! Our Advanced Level pupils demonstrated not only outstanding performance and communication skills, but impressive grit, nerve and grace. Many of these…