Category: Senior

Priory 6 explore the BBC

16th December 2020

An excellent opportunity. Priory 6 benefited from expert advice when one of our parents kindly organised a talk for them on Friday 4th December about opportunities and placements at the BBC. Mrs MacLennan, Director of Priory 6, explains:  ‘This virtual talk, which was attended by the entire Priory 6, was about work experience opportunities and…

Meeting Members of Staff

15th December 2020

Mr H AlAzawi. As we near the end of term, we welcomed Mr AlAzawi to St Augustine’s Priory to teach in the Seniors.  He is a Chemistry specialist, having obtained his Master’s degree at University College London and then spent two years working at a Special Education Needs school. Mr AlAzawi says, ‘One of my…

Upper V researchers

11th December 2020

Stretch and Challenge. The Stretch and Challenge initiative has been running for several years at St Augustine’s Priory.  Under the guidance of Mr Elder, this is an opportunity for girls in Upper V to explore subjects that are not covered in the curriculum but which the girls would like to investigate and research.  Recently, over…

A Musical Christmas present idea

9th December 2020

An album of carols. For those of you who would like to accompany your Christmas Day with music, why not enjoy some music, provided by our guitar teacher, Mr Scott? This year he has produced an album entitled, ‘Christmas Carols for Solo Guitar’.  Mr Scott studied both classical and jazz guitar while at the Royal…

Library news

3rd December 2020

Gifts of Knowledge, Wisdom, Creativity and Imagination.   Not only has our School Librarian, Mrs Bhatti, decorated the Scriptorium beautifully for Advent and Christmas, she also brings news on the latest developments in the the library. ‘In the Juniors we have received some wonderful Project Book Boxes which contain the exciting gifts of knowledge, wisdom,…

Senior linguists excel

3rd December 2020

International Competition results.   Ariana in Lower V has written about the achievements of St Augustine’s Priory language students in an international modern languages competition, organised by Vocab Express.  Vocab Express is an online vocab learning application that was designed and developed in conjunction with a number of secondary MFL departments during the first half…

Seniors meet Dr Melanie Tan

3rd December 2020

Careers Talk. Mr Ferguson, History Department, has organised a great series of Careers Talks this term.  He reports on last Friday’s event: ‘Friday 27th November, saw Dr Melanie Tan, a doctor and consultant with the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, graciously make time in her busy schedule to offer a virtual talk to…

An ideal present

27th November 2020

‘Portraits for NHS Heroes’. Are you one of those organised people who have written their Christmas cards by 1st October and did your present buying last January?  If so, look away now.  This Christmas present suggestion is for those of you who haven’t bought their cards yet and are still wondering what presents their loved…

Advent 2020

27th November 2020

A season of preparation. This Sunday, 29th November, is the First Sunday of Advent, the season of preparation for the birth of Christ.  Mrs McDermott, Head of R.E. has some tips to celebrate these weeks leading up to Christmas… ‘The shops are full of Christmas decorations, the M&S Christmas party food looks tempting, Christmas songs…

Red Wednesday 2020

27th November 2020

A day to remember. Aid to the Church in Need is a Pontifical Foundation of the Catholic Church, supporting the church wherever they are needed and each November their initiative, Red Wednesday – held on a Wednesday in late November, raises awareness of those persecuted for their faith around the world. Their website says, ‘Over…