Category: Senior

Summer Concert

8th July 2020

Making Music. Lockdown has not prevented the St Augustine’s Priory musicians from making music.  Individual lessons and ensemble work have continued and our Summer Concert, with its weaving of musical magic, went ahead as planned last week.  Everyone involved, pupils and staff, worked hard to ensure that each person’s work blended seamlessly with their colleagues’…

Sports Awards Evening 2020

8th July 2020

The year of sport celebrated. The St Augustine’s Priory Sports Awards Evening on 30th June was a splendidly virtual affair.  Although we were not able to be all together celebrating the year of sport at St Augustine’s Priory, we were able to watch the awards via the triumph of modern technology. Congratulations to all those…

The English Department and Remote Learning

2nd July 2020

Expanding horizons.   Mr Elder, English Department, writes on the opportunities that lockdown and remote learning have presented to both teachers and pupils:   ‘Remote learning has  brought all kinds of challenges, but one way or another, lessons have retained their high standards and students have been learning just as well as they always do….

Academic Scholars in Lockdown

2nd July 2020

Undeterred and unwavering!  Mr Elder, English Department, updates us on what our Academic Scholars have been up to during this time of Lockdown.  Their interests and researches cover a variety of subjects, from literature to natural history to brain decoding! ‘During the school year, the Academic Scholars meet on a regular basis to give presentations…

Sports Day 2020

26th June 2020

Or, ‘Why aren’t these events in the Olympics?’ On Wednesday 24th June, the St Augustine’s Priory Sports Day took place with Upper II competing in the grounds, along with the children of critical workers.  Everyone else enjoyed an afternoon of sport at home – our first ever Blended Virtual Sports Day. Miss Hales led the…

Lower V and the Recovery Curriculum

26th June 2020

Reflecting on the times.   All through this week of 22nd to 26th June, we have welcomed members of Lower V back to St Augustine’s Priory where they have participated in their Recovery Curriculum.  The aim is to help pupils to recover from their loss of routine, structure, friendship, sleep, opportunity and freedom.; a valuable…


25th June 2020

Carbon Footprint Challenge. Lockdown has not stopped Mrs Bennet, Head of Faculty, in her targeting of the world of scientific and mathematical competitions and events.  IRIS (The Institute for Research in Schools) cancelled their Spring Conference and so students were invited to apply to contribute their presentations by video.  Our pupils were accepted and presented…

The Rose Garden

24th June 2020

‘When life throws thorns, hunt for roses.’  Anonymous. The rose garden is in full bloom at St Augustine’s Priory and these glorious flowers are a source of great cheer.  From red to orange to pink to white our roses are a welcome sight for sore eyes. The beds contain a variety of beautiful blooms, including…

UCAS initiative

23rd June 2020

Schools collaborate. An exciting initiative is taking place this week as St Augustine’s Priory and the Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls together with the Sacred Heart High School in Hammersmith join in a week of innovative virtual activities around the process of applying to university through UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. We came…

Prayers for all

26th March 2020

Ten Ten Resources. Ten Ten Theatre Company, a professional Catholic theatre company which has often visited St Augustine’s Priory, has prepared resources for us all to use at this time.  We are attaching the following prayers and are grateful to Ten Ten for them. We do hope you find them of use.        …