Category: Senior

Lower IV visit France

13th February 2020

Exchange programme with Ste Marie de Neuilly An opportunity to experience French culture and improve language skills is offered by our exchange programme with our sister school, Ste Marie de Neuilly in Paris.  Lower IV pupils embarked on this visit which took place from 29th January to 1st February. Rachel Hiney and Caterina Lincoln, Lower…

Senior Liturgy Prefects visit Westminster Cathedral

13th February 2020

The God who speaks: The year of the Word On Thursday 30th January, the Liturgy Prefects from Form III – Upper IV attended Mass at Westminster Cathedral and followed this with a tour of the ‘Tents of Meeting’ Scripture Road Show, organised to mark ‘The God Who Speaks:  The Year of the Word’, this year’s…

Seniors’ Drama visit

13th February 2020

‘Mary Poppins’ Theatre visits offer an inspirational way to bring drama lessons to life, to explore the world of theatre which comes alive when plays are performed in front of an audience.  Emily Delargy, the St Augustine’s Priory 16+ Drama Scholar, reports on the recent theatre visit of Senior pupils to see ‘Mary Poppins’: ‘On…

Wellness Week 2020

7th February 2020

A celebration of life. Next week sees the St Augustine’s Priory Wellness Week which this year has as its theme Women’s Rights:  Taking Action, focussing on the wholeness of the human being. Many events are planned.  Among them there will be a session on ‘Women and the Word’ for Priory 6 which will take as…

Careers Talks in the Lent Term 2020

7th February 2020

Learning about Life. Mr Ferguson, History teacher and PSHEE Co-ordinator, has once again organised a term of excellent careers speakers.  Beginning on 30th January with Ms Catherine Lewis La Torre, CEO British Business Investments, CEO British Patient Capital, Ms Lewis La Torre took us through her career in finance after graduating with a degree in…

The Benefits of Sport.

7th February 2020

Swimming for Success. Mr Harnett is known as a significant member of the Mathematics Department, but less well known is his involvement with the swimming team.  A national swimmer in his teens, specialising in the Butterfly Stroke, Mr Harnett qualified as a coach when he was sixteen and coached from then and all through his…

Seniors and Ealing Teen Read 2020

7th February 2020

An invigorating discussion. Last week we were visited by Ms K Franklin who works as the Schools’ and Children’s Service Manager in Ealing Secondary Schools.  Ms Franklin is part of the ‘School Library Services’ team, which organizes the ‘Ealing Teen Read,’ whose aim is to promote reading for pleasure. Mrs Bhatti, School Librarian, reports that ‘Ms Franklin…

Meeting Members of Staff

7th February 2020

Ms N Chandler. This term we have been delighted to welcome Ms N Chandler, who joined us as PA to the Bursar plus having responsibility for HR compliance.  Ms Chandler is a past pupil of St Augustine’s Priory and has fond memories of her time here.  After working in retail for eleven years and several…

The UK Space Design Competition

31st January 2020

Through to the next stage. The UK Space Design Competition is an annual science and engineering competition designed as a simulation of life in industry. Open to students in Years 10 to 13, the UKSDC aims to enable students to experience the vast potential and valuable opportunities available through future study, or even a career,…

God loves teachers

31st January 2020

Additional events. We thought you would be fascinated by this piece which was quoted in the St Ignatius School, Toowong, Newsletter in October 2005 and which we would like to share with you: ‘God loves Teachers On the sixth day God created men and women. On the seventh day, God rested – not so much…