Category: Senior

Association Day 2019

19th July 2019

A day to remember! The St Augustine’s Priory Association Day, held this year on Saturday 6th July, was a celebration of all that we are at St Augustine’s Priory. Before the event, we were joined by past pupils for a delicious lunch.  Women who had left as recently as 2015 joined those who were here…

A Summer of Sports

18th July 2019

A great finish to the sporting calendar. June and July see a plethora of sporting celebrations at St Augustine’s Priory.  In addition to the regular fixtures and clubs we have the Nursery, Preps, Juniors and Seniors Sports Days and our Sports Awards evening.  Weeks this year which were filled with sunshine… and sporting splendour. First…

Excellent French and Spanish end of year.

18th July 2019

Spelling Bees and School Uniform project prizes awarded. Mr Alejandro, Head of Modern Languages, reports on the Spanish Spelling Bee that took place this term: ‘This summer saw the fifth annual Senior Spanish Spelling Bee taking place.  Alternating yearly between French and Spanish, it was the GCSE Spanish students’ turn to try and win the…

Well-Being at St Augustine’s Priory

17th July 2019

A habit for life. We were thrilled when we heard that we were shortlisted for the Independent Schools of the Year awards 2019.  The category in which we have been been shortlisted, Independent School of the Year for Student Well-Being, is apt for St Augustine’s Priory, sitting as we do in 13 acres of grounds…

Drama Scholars

17th July 2019

A vibrant Drama Department. The Drama Department at St Augustine’s Priory is a thriving, creative department and masterminds such productions as the seniors’ production, this year bringing the stupendous ‘Chicago’ to the Questors stage.  Apart from supervising and collaborating over the many Senior and Junior Form productions throughout the year, the Drama Department also produces…

Sundial on the hill

17th July 2019

Telling the time… Miss Daya has definitely left her mark on the school – it has been set in stone! The school and grounds overlook the Surrey Hills and is therefore a perfect spot for the location of the new sundial here at St Augustine’s Priory.  We can all now enjoy the benefits of our…

Priory 6 at Aberystwyth

16th July 2019

Geography expedition. Mr Chappory, Head of Geography, reports on the recent A Level Geography field visit to Aberystwyth where the weather and our Geographers were at their best: ‘From Sunday 7th to Thursday 11th July, our five intrepid A level Geographers, Mrs Pugh, Miss Keep and myself, stayed at Aberystwyth University in Ceredigion, Wales to…

Form III attack the Tower!

5th July 2019

A two thousand year exploration, Tuesday 25th June saw Form III venture to the confines of the Tower of London.  Travelling by tube Form III, accompanied by Mr Alejandro, Mr Dellow, Mr Green and Mrs Pugh, were out to tackle history at one of London’s most iconic landmarks. Known as the home of the Crown…

Association Day: Saturday 6th July

29th June 2019

A day full of magic. Saturday 6th July.  A wonderful afternoon to round off the Summer Term in the grounds of St Augustine’s Priory.  So much will be going on, so much to see, so much to do. A day to celebrate in the sunshine, to visit the Priory Farm, to enjoy the refreshments, to…

Taking care with energy

29th June 2019

  No Paper and No Electricity. Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th June saw St Augustine’s Priory embark on No Electricity and No Paper Days. On No Electricity Day lights were turned off in corridors, offices, classrooms, the Hall and the Chapel.  Everyone thought carefully about the use of computers, printers and photocopies. The No Electricity…