Category: Senior

Lower IV’s computing experience

17th May 2019

More girls needed! The Head of Computing, Mr Dellow, encourages pupils to take part in several activities outside the classroom.  Entering competitions is an enjoyable and challenging way of stretching mental muscles and one of these annual competitions involves Cyber Security. He reports, ‘Each year in February the National Cyber Security Centre (part of GCHQ) launch…

Lower V see ‘Emilia’

17th May 2019

A voice from 400 years ago. Mrs Brown, Head of Drama reports on the latest visit of the Lower V Drama group to see the Shakespeare Globe’s production of ‘Emilia’ an innovative and exciting play about a poet from the 1600s. ‘On Wednesday 15th May a group of the Lower V Drama GCSE students went…

New School Officials

17th May 2019

Priory 6 leaders. On Monday 13th May, the whole school gathered in the Sports Hall to hear the announcement of our new School Officials. All applicants had previously given a speech to the Seniors and Upper II on how they would contribute to the school should they be awarded the role of either Head Girl,…

Lower IV enjoy the visit from Ste Marie de Neuilly

16th May 2019

Three days in London. The imposing Tudor gatehouse of Hampton Court Palace provided the backdrop for the latest exchange visit from Ste Marie de Neuilly, the school in Paris which occupies the site we were on from 1862 – 1911.  This is the second year of our programme of exchange visits and Lower IV enjoyed…

Reaching the summit

15th May 2019

Acts of Good. Girls really are quite extraordinary.  When the rest of us were enjoying the recent bank holiday weekend, Siya (Lower V) and her sister Amba (Lower II) were climbing Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales, as part of a group called ‘Acts of Good’. Sunday 5th May saw an achievement which reached out…

A Life Outside…

2nd May 2019

  Ms Aspinall and the BBC Proms! Ms Aspinall, our harp teacher, has been teaching at St Augustine’s Priory for over ten years.  But teaching is not her only occupation.  Many people will not know that Ms Aspinall is also a member of an orchestra which will be playing in the BBC Proms this summer.  She…

Priory 6 and leadership

2nd May 2019

A Blessing for one who holds power. Last Friday, 26th April, candidates for the Priory 6 leadership team spoke at a packed Assembly which was attended by all those eligible to vote in the elections, from Upper II through the Seniors and staff. Candidates, including those for the posts of Head Girl, Deputy Head Girls…

Netball Tour to Paris

26th April 2019

A victorious visit. During the first week of the Easter holidays, from Wednesday 10th to Sunday 14th April, eighty-five of our U12 – U16 netballers travelled to Disneyland Paris for the England and International Netball Festival. Ms Cross, P.E. Department, was one of those who accompanied the tour and takes up the story: ‘On our…

Meeting Members of Staff…

23rd April 2019

Mrs M George. We are delighted to welcome Mrs George to St Augustine’s Priory for the start of the Summer Term.  She joins us as Deputy Head Pastoral (Seniors) and we are all looking forward to working with her.  Here, Mrs George introduces herself. ‘I am extremely excited about working at St Augustine’s Priory for…

English in April And For All Time

23rd April 2019

The variety of work in the English Department. Mr Elder, English Department, shares some insights into the incredible value of studying the classics of English Literature.  Further back than Dickens, or Austen, or even Shakespeare – but the gems that came from the pen of Chaucer and the author of Beowulf. ‘For T.S. Eliot April…