Category: Senior

Razzle Dazzle ‘em

5th April 2019

Chicago, Chicago. What an incredible show!  This was an amazing evening’s entertainment from the Seniors of St Augustine’s Priory.  Chicago triumphed at The Questors Theatre and this was (not to sound effusive, of course) the most brilliant production of Chicago!        The energy, the pace, the sheer joie de vivre of the talented actors…

Careers Evening: Update

28th March 2019

An inspiring evening. The St Augustine’s Priory biennial Careers Evening, held on Tuesday 26th March, was an event of great energy and filled with enthusiasm.  The theme of the evening was the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the digital revolution and, from a brilliant film produced by Priory 6 on the four industrial revolutions, and from our…

Careers Evening

25th March 2019

  The Fourth Industrial Revolution. On Tuesday 26th March we will be holding our biennial Careers Evening for Seniors.  We will have speakers from a wide range of careers on hand to speak to girls about their careers and who will be able to offer advice on how to access these professions. From architecture through…

British Science Week

22nd March 2019

 A week of wonder. Monday 11th March saw the beginning of British Science Week, a week filled with an abundance of activities, workshops and Science practicals.  A true celebration of Science. Medical Mavericks delivered a workshop to the Seniors which raised awareness of the lesser known careers available in medicine such as biomedical science, medical…

World Book Day Competition

15th March 2019

Who reads what? We received an avalanche of entries for this year’s World Book Day Competition.  ‘Who reads what?’ was the talk of the school.  But a winner (or this in case, winners, emerged), Naomi (Upper V Alpha) and Isabel (Form III Alpha) Jeffries who were triumphant with a score of 24 out of 27…

Seniors visit Canada

15th March 2019

A Half Term of Skiing! From 13 – 19th February St Augustine’s Priory embarked on its latest foray into the mountains.   Yes, it was this year’s senior ski trip to Mont Sainte Anne, Canada. Josephine Heffernan, Lower VA, reports, ‘The 2019 ski was such an amazing and exciting trip for me as I had never…

Lower VI: Visit to the Houses of Parliament.

14th March 2019

Government and Politics to the fore. With Brexit at the forefront of people’s minds, watching debates in the House of Commons is becoming quite addictive!  Lower VI pupils Jasmine Dawuda and Nell Dobson were part of the group of A Level Government and Politics students to see debates live on their recent visit to the…

EPQ: A preparation for life.

8th March 2019

‘We learn. We reflect. We achieve.’ Here at St Augustine’s Priory we provide girls with the intellectual challenges and space to allow them to continue their education with an advantage that many other schools do not provide.  The EPQ, the Extended Project Qualification, supports learners with the transition to higher education or into the world…

BBC Young Reporters…

8th March 2019

Journalism in action. Our BBC Young Reporters have written, presented and produced an excellent film, reporting on the Priory Farm.  Discover the origins of the farm, who runs it and meet (and hear!) our animals. You can access the Priory Report:  Farming here: The report tantalisingly begins ‘With spring and Easter bunnies around the…

British Science Week 2019

8th March 2019

Seniors and Juniors: Experiments and enrichment. St Augustine’s Priory is gearing up for British Science Week next week.  There are a host of activities taking place throughout the school, from Juniors through to Priory 6, including the Junior School Science Fair run by Lower II and taking place on Friday 15th March. Science teacher, Ms…