Category: The Association

A Must See!

16th October 2017

New film of St Augustine’s Priory Now available to see on the St Augustine’s Priory website (and also on YouTube)  – our new film!  Giving a bird’s eye view of the school with its amazing grounds and taking the viewer through the variety of life at St Augustine’s Priory, this new film was premiered at…

Open Morning: 7th October 2017

10th October 2017

St Augustine’s Priory – the best Catholic education for girls in London. ‘Our school is founded on St Augustine’s premise that when we are happy we learn well. I am glad to say that Educational Psychologists have caught up with St Augustine. Our great joy is the girls with whom we work. I hope you…

A Fantastic Evening of Fireworks

29th September 2017

A Date for your Diary! The St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee is yet again organising a fantastic evening of fireworks!  This annual event, a highlight of the school’s calendar, is being held on Friday 20th October in the school grounds – the ideal venue for such an event.  As always there will be a BBQ,…

Lower VI reflects

15th September 2017

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor Mrs McDermott, Head of Religious Studies, reports that, in their General RE lesson this week, Lower VI reflected on the life and legacy of Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, former Archbishop of Westminster, whose funeral was held earlier this week. Here, Heather Woodman, Lower VI, gives us her reflections: ‘Cardinal Cormac’s funeral Mass was…

Progression Dinner 2017

11th September 2017

On Friday 8th September 2017 at St Augustine’s Priory we hosted our fourteenth annual Progression Dinner.  Progression is a tradition whereby Upper VI leavers are invited back to the school for a formal dinner together before they progress from school to university. Before the meal everyone gathered for refreshments in the Priory 6 Common Room…

Leading with Poetry: Mona Arshi

8th September 2017

Poems on the Underground The launch of the St Augustine’s Priory Association on Wednesday (see separate article) re-emphasised that St Augustine’s Priory is a community, made up of current and past pupils, parents and staff.  With that in mind we are pleased to let you know the latest news of Mona Arshi, award-winning poet and…

The St Augustine’s Priory Association

8th September 2017

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the St Augustine’s Priory Association, which took place on the evening of Wednesday 6th September 2017 – thank you to all who attended. We hope that the evening gave you an idea of what we hope to achieve and an opportunity to catch up with teachers and fellow…

Musical inspiration: Hannah Kendall

8th September 2017

Proms Debut for Augustinian’s ‘The Spark Catchers’ The Proms season comes to its conclusion tomorrow night at the Royal Albert Hall, the culmination of a summer season of musical riches that blazes across the London summer. If you have been following this year’s Proms you will perhaps have seen composer and past pupil Hannah Kendall…

New Venture for a past pupil

5th September 2017

ALICE BLACK:  Soho art gallery opens It is always exciting to discover news about past Augustinians!  One past pupil, Alice Black, a 26 year old graduate in Art History from Sussex University, has embarked on an innovative venture in the world of art by opening a new gallery, based in Soho.  The gallery, ALICE BLACK,…

A new academic year at St Augustine’s Priory

4th September 2017

Prayer for the Beginning of Term As we begin the new academic year, we will be meeting old friends and making new ones and, for our pupils, there is the added excitement of going up a year with all the challenges and joys that that brings. We thought we would share with you this prayer…