Category: Whole School

Nursery, Prep I and the Year of Mercy

28th January 2016

Our Holy Doors Cathedrals around the world have opened their Holy Doors for the Year of Mercy which began in December last year.  On Tuesday 8th December 2015, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door in St Peter’s Basilica, Rome, inaugurating the Jubilee of Mercy. The ceremony took place after he celebrated Mass for the Solemnity…

A Sixth Former’s Musical Journey

28th January 2016

Learning a musical instrument! Rhiannon Phillips, Upper VI, is an enthusiastic flautist of great ability.  And, as she writes below, taking up a musical instrument is something she would recommend to everybody: ‘I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow you all away with my 24 note chromatic scale in the key of G! Many…

Senior Science

27th January 2016

Chemistry Club is set alight Cries of ‘Dr Atkinson, you’re on fire today!’ doubtless greeted Dr Atkinson as she spectacularly demonstrated methane bubbles on her hand (not to be tried at home!).  Yes, the Senior Chemistry Club has taken off and is full of demonstrations, experiments and stimulating science to enthral and delight. Mr Thomas,…

A Stitch in Time: Designing the Long Kneelers

27th January 2016

The stitches multiply From the Nursery to Upper VI during January the whole school was involved in our A Stitch in Time Project. The smaller kneelers have been designed and are in production with the whole school, staff, past pupils and Governors embroidering and spreading the kneelers far and wide – even going as far…

Upper II Debaters

26th January 2016

Debating Matters “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu Upper II are honing their debating skills in readiness for a visit to the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 27th January.  On that day they are taking part in a Your Voice Tour and Workshop and, in preparation, have conducted some serious debates….

The Nursery experiments

26th January 2016

The Importance of Science Recently, the Nursery explored the thrilling world of science through some experimental work in their laboratory (aka The Nursery). Miss Slight, the Form Teacher for the Nursery, writes about their investigations: ‘Recently in the Nursery we all took part in an exciting science experiment! We first discussed in a group what…

Encouraging Resilience: Part Two

25th January 2016

From the Counsellor’s Chair In Part Two of ‘Encouraging Resilience in Children,’ Mrs Good, our School Counsellor, examines further approaches that parents can use to help foster resilience in their children.  Adapted in part from an article by Dr Linda Mallory, Educational Psychologist. Encourage risk taking: Parents naturally want to keep their children safe.  From…

Cooking up a storm

22nd January 2016

In St Augustine’s kitchen In the words of Virginia Woolf “one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well”. It is with much enthusiasm that staff and girls of St Augustine’s Priory nod in agreement with this statement, and of no surprise, therefore, that our food is of high priority!…

Mount Carmel visits

21st January 2016

Year 5 enjoys a day of Science and Art Continuing with our programme of partnerships with local Catholic primary schools Mrs Tippen, Deputy Head Juniors, reports on the visit of Year 5 from Mount Carmel Catholic Primary school on 14th January: ‘On Thursday we hosted 56 Year 5 pupils from Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School. …

Road Safety Week

21st January 2016

A safer environment for all From 25th – 29th January St Augustine’s Priory is holding its own Road Safety Week.  All sorts of activities are planned together with PSHEE lessons and information leaflets. Road Safety affects us all, pedestrians and drivers alike, and we all must be aware of the safety of and consideration for…