Category: Whole School

Priory Post 91 – Feast Day 2015

26th August 2015

Feast Day 2015 Celebrating One Hundred Years of Faith Friday 13th February saw our annual celebration of Feast Day.  During the years the religious community resided here it was a celebration of Reverend Mother’s Feast Day, and is now celebrated as the School’s Feast Day.  Founded in 1634 in France and arriving in England in…

Priory Post 92 – Coffee and Cakes

26th August 2015

Coffee and Cakes World Cancer Day 2015 On Wednesday 4th February we invited parents to join us for Coffee and Cakes in the Pupils’ Refectory to mark World Cancer Day 2015. This event was organised by one of our parents to raise awareness of, and support for, World Cancer Day. World Cancer Day’s website states…

Priory Post 100 – Election Fever

26th August 2015

Election Fever Hustings for Head Girl and Deputies General Election?  What General Election? This week our attention is focused on the elections for the next St Augustine’s Priory Head Girl and the three Deputy Head Girls.  On Monday 2nd March the candidates for these posts gathered in the Scriptorium to convince each and every one…

Priory Post 103 – A Stitch in Time

26th August 2015

A Stitch in Time No experience required! We are marking our centenary year in Hillcrest Road, our ‘One Hundred Years of Faith’, in several ways, one of them being our ‘A Stitch in Time’ project.  This project, to upholster the wooden kneelers in the Chapel, is gathering momentum. Miss Eng, Art Department, is coordinating the…

Priory Post 69 – Unsung Heroes of WWI….

25th August 2015

Unsung Heroes of WWI…. From a home to a hospital In another of our articles on Unsung Heroes of World War I, we would like to thank Serena and Jemima Gray (Lower VA and Lower VI) for sending us this article on their extraordinary great great grandparents and their great great grandmother’s determination and resolve…

Priory Post 75 – The Comedy of Errors

25th August 2015

‘The Comedy of Errors’ School Production, February 2015 Take two sets of twins, add cross-purposes and several cases of mistaken identity and you have the farcical ingredients for one of Shakespeare’s early comedies. Yes, there’s not long to go to our next senior school production, ‘The Comedy of Errors’ by William Shakespeare.  Taking place from…

Priory Post 78 – New Drama equipment

25th August 2015

New Drama equipment Last week, our Drama Department started using the fantastic new audio visual equipment which has recently been installed in the Drama Studio.  Partly funded by the Parents’ Committee, a Mac27 including the latest film editing software Final Cut Pro, Panasonic projector, 2.4m electrical screen (widescreen format) and wall-mounted speakers were installed for use in…