
Looking forward to Book Week

21st February 2022

Literary News. With an eye on our soon-to-begin journey into our Book Week next week, and the visits of authors Sylvia Bishop and Sita Brahmachari, we thought you would be interested in reading the following review of Mr Elder’s recent publication. ‘Like This’.  Mr Elder, who is Head of our English Department, has published several…

Library and Book Week News

21st February 2022

Successful Bookbuzz and Book Week! Thursday 3rd March is the 25th anniversary of World Book Day and has, as its theme, ‘You Are a Reader’.  We are looking forward to celebrating all things literary in that week in our Book Week.  We have already begun our celebrations as  Form lll and Lower lV received their…

Headteacher’s Blog

4th February 2022

We are Creating Space for Truthful Conversations. RADIO We have been involved in the Faith and Belief Forum’s school linking programme since November 2010. We are currently linked with the Jewish Community Secondary School in Chipping Barnet. Previously, we were also linked with Unity Girls School, a Muslim school in Hendon, before they relocated. As…

Wellness Week

4th February 2022

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. As we look forward to celebrating Wellness Week next week, looking at all aspects of wellness, Mrs R Good, our Counsellor and Play Therapist writes about Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. ‘Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week is taking place this year from 7th – 13th February, the eighth annual event…

The Priory Farm welcomes visitors

4th February 2022

Local School guest. On Tuesday 1st February we were delighted to welcome some Year 5 pupils from North Ealing Primary School who came to visit the Priory Farm.  Accompanied by their teachers, the children spent the morning being shown the farm and its inhabitants by Mr Raffray.   Beginning with the ducks and the chickens,…

The Life of a Priory Farm Manager

4th February 2022

Become involved! We are so fortunate in that we have a farm at St Augustine’s Priory.  The Priory Farm hosts an allotment, chickens, ducks and sheep.  All our pupils are able to visit the Priory Farm and become involved.  From the youngest pupil who learns how to tend the allotment and visit the animals to…

The Nursery celebrates

4th February 2022

Chinese New Year. On Monday the children in the Nursery welcomed a very special visitor as one of the parents came in to talk to them about Chinese New Year.  Tuesday 1st February was the start of the Chinese year of the tiger.  There are twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac and the children talked…

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

4th February 2022

Inclusion Committee and Chinese New Year. Tuesday 1st February was the start of the Chinese year of the tiger.  Prisha in Upper VI and her colleagues on the Inclusion Committee prepared a beautiful presentation for the Senior Assembly. First they asked pupils what they knew already about Chinese New Year and then took the Seniors…

Prep III scientists

1st February 2022

Getting ready for Spring. Although it is only January, Prep III were thinking ahead last week when they visited the Priory Farm.  Miss Algar, Form Teacher Prep III, takes up the story: ‘Prep III had a lovely afternoon in the farmyard on Thursday last week, collecting some soil for our seeds. We planted our seeds…


28th January 2022

A wonderful ‘thank you’. Hestia was one of the charities for which we raised funds at the 2021 Carol Service and, thanks to the generosity of our parents, we were able to send them £494.17. We were thrilled to receive a video from Hestia thanking us for our contribution which was played at the Senior…

Open Events
If you would like a bespoke visit email
Prep and Pre-Prep Open Morning –  School in Action
School in Action Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps for entry from Nursery through to Year 6 will take place on:
Tuesday 29th April 2025, 10am – 12pm
Senior Open Morning:
Entry into Year 7 and above will take place on:
Saturday 26th April 2025, 10am – 12pm