Online talks. The Let’s all Talk Mental Health 2022 season has started and we would recommend the course to parents. The organisation offers ‘informative, incisive and practical help from leading experts to support parents and carers of teens struggling with their mental health.’ ‘The Let’s all Talk Teen Mental Health 2022 Season is a series…
Remembering. Thursday 27th January is Holocaust Memorial Day, remembering those millions of people who were persecuted and murdered during the Holocaust. To mark this at St Augustine’s Priory Ms Brown reports that in Monday’s Senior Assembly, ‘Ava and Mary in Upper IV Aleph interviewed Clare Lawlor from the Imperial War Museum Holocaust Galleries about the…
Firm Foundations. Mrs McDermott, Head of Faith Life, reports on the Upper V Retreat, held on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st January. ‘To mark the end of their mocks, we brought Upper V to SPEC, the Diocese of Westminster’s retreat centre in Pinner. The theme of the retreat was Firm Foundations. The staff at the…
Mr S Charlton. Joining St Augustine’s Priory at the start of this term, we are delighted that Mr S Charlton is a member of the English Department, teaching English Literature to the Seniors. He regards ‘intellectual curiosity and determination as high values in education’ and supports these intrinsic values of St Augustine’s Priory and he…
‘The Symbolic World’. We believe that the following online Zoom event may be of interest to our Senior pupils – and also to their parents! Organised by Ealing Abbey parish the events take place on three consecutive Tuesdays, beginning on Tuesday 25th January at 8.00pm. Each session will last no more than an hour and…
Coaching at its best. The performance of the England cricket team in the Ashes against Australia may not have filled you with joy and jubilation, but a cricketing performance nearer to home is certainly deserving of congratulations. Just before Christmas our Bursar, Mr Philpott, was recognised by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) for…
Dr D Oikonomou. St Augustine’s Priory has a vibrant Art Department with pupils of all ages enjoying and benefitting from a superb staff who are motivated and enthusiastic in all that they do. Our most recent addition to the department, Dr Oikonomou, our Head of Art, has now been at St Augustine’s Priory for a…
Creating space for our Common Good. The start of the Lent Term 2022 was marked with a day dedicated to celebrating ‘Building the Kingdom’ of God. From Nursery to Upper II, pupils examined the Holy Family’s Flight into Egypt and looked at the plight of refugees in our world and Christ’s early life as a…
‘Babushka’. Thursday 9th December was a great day for Prep III as they performed their Nativity play, ‘Babushka’ in the Chapel, where it was performed for delighted parents. This was the final Nativity of our Advent preparations and Prep III did not disappoint! The entire case of the Nativity was present: angels, shepherds, Kings, the…
Diocese of Westminster Poetry Competition. Ms Corkery, Head of RE, here tells us of the achievement of Niamh in Upper IV. ‘Niamh in UIV Aleph recently entered the Diocese of Westminster Poetry Competition: ‘Year of St Joseph 2021 – With a Father’s Heart Poetry Competition 2021’. St Joseph was the theme for the poetry competition to honour…