
Sustainable Development Goals

2nd February 2016

We all have a responsibility On Monday 25th January 2016 pupils Milly and Ljilja in Lower IV presented an assembly to the senior school about ‘Sustainable Development Goals’, something about which they feel passionately. ‘In December 2015, during their topic about ‘Food’ in Geography, Miss Keep taught a lesson about Poverty and Fair Trade, and…

Your Life Formula 100 Competition

2nd February 2016

Calling for Maths and Science videos! Miss Hayden, Head of Physics, writes with news of an exciting competition for students in the Senior School aged 11 – 13 and 14 – 16: ‘Your Life’ is an industry-led and Government-supported campaign which aims to show the dynamic career opportunities unlocked by studying Maths and Science. They…

Upper II sees stars!

1st February 2016

Astronomy Observations Astronomy is a popular subject to study at GCSE at St Augustine’s Priory and here we believe in inspiring pupils to aim for the stars at an early age.  Here, Miss Hayden, Head of Physics, reports on the Christmas holiday activities of our Upper II astronomers: ‘Over the Christmas Holidays, the girls in…

Upper I researches Magna Carta

20th January 2016

Historical focus at Assembly Miss O’Connell, Form Teacher Upper I, has gathered some reports from the pupils in her class who last week led the Junior Assembly on Magna Carta. The Great Charter was signed by King John at Runnymede, near Windsor in 1215 and Upper I shared their findings in a great performance: Fern…

Mr Elder publishes first collection of poetry

14th October 2015

‘Codes of Conduct’ available now! Simply because National Poetry Day is over for another year does not mean that poetry has taken a back seat at St Augustine’s Priory.  Mr Neil Elder, member of the English Department, has this week published his first collection of poetry, ‘Codes of Conduct’, published by Cinnamon Press. The collection…

Progression Dinner

9th September 2015

Sixth Form Leavers celebrate On Friday 4th September 2015 we held our twelfth Progression Dinner at St Augustine’s Priory.  Our Upper VI leavers were joined by Mrs Raffray, Headteacher, the Directors of the Sixth Form, Ms Gandi and Mr Murphy, and many other teachers to celebrate these young women’s progression from school to university.             …

Priory Post 65 – Understanding Catholicism

24th August 2015

Understanding Catholicism A once a week six-week course, Lent Term 2015   ‘Understanding Catholicism’ is a course which will take place once a week over six weeks at the Benedictine Study and Arts Centre during the Lent Term 2015. The course has been developed for parents, whether Catholic or not, of children and teachers at…

Open Events
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Prep and Pre-Prep Open Morning –  School in Action
School in Action Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps for entry from Nursery through to Year 6 will take place on:
Tuesday 29th April 2025, 10am – 12pm
Senior Open Morning:
Entry into Year 7 and above will take place on:
Saturday 26th April 2025, 10am – 12pm