
Priory Post 141 – Examinations

27th August 2015

Examinations From the Counsellor’s Chair Mrs R Good, the School Counsellor, gives some advice on how to deal with examinations: ‘Normal levels of stress can help you work, think faster and more effectively, and improve your performance.  It’s normal to be anxious around exam times.  If your anxiety becomes overwhelming your performance can be adversely…

Priory Post 142 – Back in Time with the BBC

27th August 2015

Back in Time with the BBC Family wanted! You may have seen a series on BBC2 earlier in the year called ‘Back in Time for Dinner’ designed to illustrate how food and eating habits have changed and have influenced family life from the 1950s until the turn of the century, where a family spent each…

Priory Post 144 – Walking a Hill for Nepal

27th August 2015

Walking a Hill for Nepal Lower V and staff climb Horsenden Hill ‘We’re taking a walk in the park for those in Nepal whose lives are far from a walk in the park’.  So said Mr Ian Chappory, Geography Department, about the Fundraising Friday climb for Nepal on Horsenden Hill this afternoon, Friday 22nd May….

Priory Post 145 – Pirates Ahoy!

27th August 2015

Pirates Ahoy! The Nursery goes Treasure Hunting Friday 15th May saw a voyage of discovery as the Nursery donned pirate outfits and went to hunt for buried treasure in the Prep Meadow. Fortunately, we have a pirate galleon and Captains Bani and Jackson led their shipmates as they ventured on a voyage of exploration and…

Priory Post 80 – Chinese New Year

26th August 2015

Chinese New Year Prep I celebrations… Chinese New Year has come early to the Preps.  Thursday 19th February is when this day falls in 2015 which is during our half term, so tomorrow Preps II and III will hold their Chinese New Year party. Today it was Prep I’s turn. The Prep I classroom was…

Priory Post 82 – Young Enterprise

26th August 2015

Young Enterprise Lower VI and ‘Innovatrix’ Lower VI’s Young Enterprise group, ‘Innovatrix’ is going from strength to strength.  Young Enterprise’s mission statement is ‘to inspire and equip young people to learn and succeed through enterprise’.  Its guiding principle is to do this through ‘learning by doing’. Innovatrix is certainly accomplishing this.  You will remember them…

Priory Post 83 – Ten Ten Theatre

26th August 2015

Ten Ten Theatre Senior School Performances On Monday 2nd February Ten Ten Theatre visited St Augustine’s Priory to perform plays for Upper V, Upper IV and Lower IV.  Ten Ten Theatre is an award-winning theatre company working in primary schools, secondary schools, young offender institutions, parishes, community venues and theatres throughout the UK and has…

Priory Post 84 – Chinese New Year – Part II

26th August 2015

Chinese New Year – Part II Prep II and Prep III enjoy the party! Following on from Prep I’s celebrations yesterday, today Preps II and III enjoyed their Chinese New Year activities.  As Chinese New Year, heralding the year of the sheep, falls during our half term on 19th February, the Art Department and Mandarin…

Priory Post 86 – Random Acts of Kindness

26th August 2015

Random Acts of Kindness From The Counsellor’s Chair Mrs Renata Good, our School Counsellor and play therapist has some ideas to consider during Half Term: ‘Tuesday 17th February is Random Acts of Kindness Day.  Share a random act of kindness to spread positive thoughts and actions and in the process influence other people to perform…