
Priory Post 98 – From Lab. Tech. to Vet.

26th August 2015

From Lab. Tech. to Vet. Maria Cherepanova bids farewell Maria Cherepanova left us in July 2014 after Upper VI and A Levels and returned here in September 2014 as a Laboratory Assistant.  She has spent the last six months working mainly on Physics but also assisting Mrs Morrison, our Laboratory Technician, with Biology and Chemistry…

Priory Post 99 – ‘The Comedy of Errors’

26th August 2015

‘The Comedy of Errors’ Our 2015 Senior School Production Our production of ‘The Comedy of Errors’ by William Shakespeare was a great show, a highlight of the year.  From the crew to the cast the hard work and talent of our pupils was apparent in a show that combined smooth-running, great design and excellent performances….

Priory Post 100 – Election Fever

26th August 2015

Election Fever Hustings for Head Girl and Deputies General Election?  What General Election? This week our attention is focused on the elections for the next St Augustine’s Priory Head Girl and the three Deputy Head Girls.  On Monday 2nd March the candidates for these posts gathered in the Scriptorium to convince each and every one…

Priory Post 101 – Lower I visit Celtic Harmony

26th August 2015

Lower I visit Celtic Harmony A day’s travel back in time Friday 27th February saw Lower I travel back in time to Ancient Britain by visiting the Celtic Harmony Camp near Hertford.  Celtic Harmony’s website states that they provide ‘hands-on cultural heritage education of ancient Britain to increase understanding of the natural world and create…

Priory Post 102 – Ski-ing in Italy

26th August 2015

Ski-ing in Italy Upper II and Form III hit the slopes During the February half term girls in Upper II and Form III spent a wonderful five days ski-ing in Tarvisio, Italy.  Mr Judson, Mrs Costello and Ms Gambrill accompanied this trip and comments and pictures from Italy engulfed the Ski trip’s Twitter account. All…

Priory Post 103 – A Stitch in Time

26th August 2015

A Stitch in Time No experience required! We are marking our centenary year in Hillcrest Road, our ‘One Hundred Years of Faith’, in several ways, one of them being our ‘A Stitch in Time’ project.  This project, to upholster the wooden kneelers in the Chapel, is gathering momentum. Miss Eng, Art Department, is coordinating the…

Priory Post 104 – Women’s World Day of Prayer

26th August 2015

Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday 6th March 2015 Mrs McDermott, Faculty Leader, Religious Education and Faith Life, reminds us that today is Women’s World Day of Prayer.  As a community we are marking it by reflecting on the Eighth Station of the Cross, ‘Jesus meets the Women of Jerusalem’ as part of our Friday…

Priory Post 105 – The Journey through Lent

26th August 2015

The Journey through Lent Third Sunday of Lent As we continue our journey through Lent, here is a Lenten prayer, a communion reflection from ‘Forty Masses with Young People’ by Donal Neary, S.J. This prayer reminds us that, although we sometimes find ourselves in the wilderness, we are looked for and loved.  

Priory Post 106 – Modern Languages

26th August 2015

Modern Languages Limitless Linguistics (Part I) The Modern Languages Department is preparing for one of the highlights of the year.  On Tuesday 17th March Lower II will be hosting Year 5 of St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School, Ealing for a day exploring the magic of modern languages.  There will be language activities throughout the day,…

Priory Post 107 – Not uniform at all!

26th August 2015

Not uniform at all! Limitless Linguistics (Part 2) As we eagerly await the Lower II Modern Languages Day with Year 5 of St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School on Tuesday 17th March we see what Lower II can look forward to next year in modern language lessons at St Augustine’s Priory! Upper II has been following…