
Priory Post 61 – St Augustine’s Priory EXTRA

24th August 2015

St Augustine’s Priory EXTRA Weekend and holiday activities galore…   We are pleased to announce the launch of St Augustine’s Priory Extra (please see on the Useful Links section of our website). This is a programme of fun and stimulating weekend and holiday activities for all children (not just St Augustine’s Priory pupils) aged from 3-18…

Priory Post 62 – Carol Service 2014

24th August 2015

Carol Service 2014 Our annual celebration of Christmas The annual St Augustine’s Priory Carol Service is at the centre of our celebrations for Christmas.  Every part of our community joins together – girls, staff and parents, to reflect on and observe this most important time of year. This year on Tuesday 9th December, with the…

Priory Post 63 – Eco-Schools Announcement

24th August 2015

Eco-Schools Announcement Silver Award for St Augustine’s Priory Late last week Ms Dolan announced the great news that St Augustine’s Priory has been awarded an Eco-Schools Silver Award!  Here, she gives an account of the two years’ hard work and great ideas that have gone in to achieving this award: ‘In 2013, under the guidance…

Priory Post 64 – From the Counsellor’s Chair

24th August 2015

From the Counsellor’s Chair Introduction from Mrs Good, School Counsellor As 2015 and the Lent term unfurl a warm welcome and Happy New Year to returning parents and greetings to new ones.  My first Priory Post article of 2015 is a reminder to existing parents and an introduction to new ones of the school counselling…

Priory Post 65 – Understanding Catholicism

24th August 2015

Understanding Catholicism A once a week six-week course, Lent Term 2015   ‘Understanding Catholicism’ is a course which will take place once a week over six weeks at the Benedictine Study and Arts Centre during the Lent Term 2015. The course has been developed for parents, whether Catholic or not, of children and teachers at…

Priory Post 66 – Historical Researchers

24th August 2015

Historical Researchers Lower I investigates Stonehenge Last Friday, 9th January, the girls in Lower I embarked on a historical quest.  With the assistance of clues spread around their classroom they investigated the story of Stonehenge, the massive prehistoric monument in Wiltshire. This site has fascinated historians and archaeologists for centuries and now, with the help…

Priory Post 67 – Education for all children

24th August 2015

Education for all children Lower VI Assembly   On Friday 9th January Lower VI began the new term by leading the Senior Assembly in the morning and the Junior Assembly at lunchtime with an excellent presentation on Malala Yousafzai, an inspiring voice for children’s education everywhere and the youngest recipient ever of the Nobel Peace…

Priory Post 43 – Lower VI Visits Houses of Parliment

21st August 2015

LOWER VI VISITS HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Future leaders of the country! Nida Ahmed, Lower VI, reports on the visit of the Lower VI Government and Politics students to the Houses of Parliament where the girls had a tour of both Houses and participated in a workshop exploring the role of an MP within the party…

Priory Post 44 – Photography Club

21st August 2015

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Fast Shutter Speed Over the past two weeks, the Photography Club has been studying the photographic technique of ‘shutter speed’. Shutter speed, also known as ‘exposure time’, stands for the length of time a camera shutter is open to expose light into the camera’s sensor. If the shutter speed is fast, it can…

Priory Post 45 – One Climate, One World

21st August 2015

ONE CLIMATE, ONE WORLD CAFOD’ s Climate Change Campaign One World Week runs this year from 19th – 26th October and during this time we can join with CAFOD’s One Climate, One World campaign.  CAFOD is calling ‘on politicians and decision-makers to stop climate change pushing people deeper into poverty. The campaign also calls for a shift…