
Priory Post 7 – Netballing Mothers

19th August 2015

Mich. 14 Netballing Mothers The St Augustine’s Priory mothers’ netball team goes from strength to strength.  Here is a report from two of the team on last week’s session: ‘We had a great netball game last night with 11 of us on court. We dropped the wing defences and we had a centre who played…

Priory Post 8 – Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

19th August 2015

Mich. 14 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has a strong record over many years at St Augustine’s Priory.  We run the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, very successfully.  On Tuesday 16th September the Parents’ Information Evening for the Silver and Gold programmes of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award took place for…

Priory Post 9 – Computer Innovation Club

19th August 2015

Mich. 14 Computer Innovation Club Ms Sharp is running a ‘Computer Innovation Club’ this academic year, focussing on design, illustration and publishing.  So, if you would like to develop your design and computing skills, do join Ms Sharp’s club on Thursdays at 1.10 p.m. in the ICT Suite.

Priory Post 10 – Children’s University

19th August 2015

Mich. 14 Children’s University We are excited to tell you that once again St Augustine’s Priory is running the Children’s University scheme. Pupils from Upper I through to Form III are invited to join and to set off on a journey of extra-curricular activity learning with their Learning Passports. Enrolment in the scheme is £6.00…

Priory Post 11 – Poetry Rules!

19th August 2015

Mich. 14 Poetry Rules! In some great news, a poem by Mr Neil Elder, a member of our English Department, has been shortlisted for the Poetry Prize at the Wells Festival of Literature.  His entry, ‘Boot Cleaning’, is one of twenty-six poems on the shortlist and Mr Elder will be reading it at the Festival’s…

Priory Post 12 – International Day of Peace

19th August 2015

Mich. 14 International Day of Peace Sunday, 21st September 2014, is the United Nations International Day of Peace. Please take a few moments of your day on Sunday to say this prayer together. Lord, send us the gift of peace Watch over the people of our world who have been forced to flee their homes…

Priory Post 13 – March against Climate Change…

19th August 2015

Mich. 14 March against Climate Change… Trying to think of a way to spend Sunday afternoon? Why not join a march against Climate Change in London? Register now on the CAFOD website (below). Date: Sunday 21st September 2014, 12.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Address: From Temple Place, London WC2R 3BD to the Houses of Parliament, London…

Priory Post 14 – From the Counsellor’s Chair

19th August 2015

From the Counsellor’s Chair As the new term gets underway, a warm welcome to returning parents and greetings to new ones.  My first Priory Post article this academic year is a reminder to existing readers and an introduction to new ones of the school counselling service offered to the pupils of St Augustine’s Priory. It’s…

Priory Post 15 – The Pen and the Scalpel

19th August 2015

Mich. 14 The Pen and the Scalpel On Friday 19th September, our three AS Creative Writing Students went to the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons for a creative writing workshop. The scheme is run by the organisation, Poets In The City, and involves leading writers going to unusual settings to deliver workshops. …

Priory Post 16 – Three Faiths Forum Link Day, Thursday 18th September 2014

19th August 2015

Mich. 14 Three Faiths Forum Link Day, Thursday 18th September 2014 Mrs McDermott accompanied the six Upper IV girls who have been selected to take part in this year’s school linking programme with Unity Girls High School (UGHS).  We have been involved with the Three Faiths Forum (3ff) since November 2010 and have one of…